Sunday, January 30, 2022

WeWriWa o1.3o.22


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! 

Continuing on with my serial killer WIP. My main character, Dennis, is in The Gentleman's Club for what he calls his hot date with a stripper. Where I last left off, they were chatting like they do every night after her performance and she mentioned that she was glad his brother was gone...

“I didn’t like the way he touched me that night. Almost made it so you couldn’t be here anymore.” She continued, as if she had to explain. I instinctively put my hand on hers and then pulled away. “I didn’t like the way he touched you either. Never again."

That night was horrible, in a drunken stupor, my brother put his hands all over Serena as she danced for him, breaking the number one rule of not touching the dancers during a lap dance. Not only that, when Serena pushed his hands away, he smacked her, earning him a permanent ban from the club. Serena fought with one of the owners not to kick me out, too, just because I was Derrick’s brother, that I hadn’t done anything to be banned from the club. In the end, Derrick was kicked out and I was allowed to stay, which brought about a massive fight between us when I got home. Derrick was gone that night.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

~Danii X


  1. Sounds like they're well rid of Derrick! He sounds like a real creep.

  2. I'm glad he wasn't punished for his brother's terrible actions. Let's hope he makes up for them instead.

  3. I'm still wondering what exactly happened to his brother. Didn't seem like a good person to begin with, but I have some suspicions.

  4. Hmmm, interesting and much to ponder here. Great snippet!

  5. His brother sounds like such a great person - not!!!

  6. Sounds like the brother is a piece of work.

    1. He is! Dennis might be, too...maybe.
      Thanks for reading!

  7. They are well rid of the brother--if they are rid of him. Bad pennies have a way of turning up when you least expect or need them to. Great snippet! Tweeted.

  8. Good reason for her not to like Derrick. Not a nice person. I'm glad she explained.

  9. Uh oh! That sounds like trouble ahead for her. He has to be holding a grudge. Prolly wants to get even too.
