Sunday, January 9, 2022

WeWriWa o1.o9.22


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! 

Continuing on with my serial killer WIP. Where I last left off, my main character, Dennis, is in The Gentleman's Club for what he calls his hot date...

I watched mesmerized as she lifted her legs up and over the seat, pushing herself up and off the ground, sitting upright in the chair. It was as she had been waiting for me to show up to do that trick. It earned her a standing ovation from the two gentlemen watching her, who were now eagerly holding out ones. Her song ended, but she held her torso out again, so the money could be shoved into her underwear. She picked up her clothing and pushed the chair out of the way for the next performer and walked off stage. 

I made my way back to the bar, sitting where Dave had set the drinks, and waited. The two gentlemen still howling for her as the next dancer took to the stage. I didn’t have to wait long, I could almost feel her walking down the hall to my right, past the side of the stage. It happened almost the same every night.

“You almost missed it tonight,” She said from behind, “I was saving that trick for you.”

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

~Danii X


  1. I wonder how he feels about other men ogling his "hot date" like that?

    1. Probably not great, but it is her job.
      Thanks for reading!

  2. Ah, seems like there definitely is some connection there!

  3. Like her comment about saving that trick for him.

  4. I am so curious where this story goes. Does she really like him, or is she using him? And, vice versa. It's such a strange world, one I'm unfamiliar with. :-) Good snippet, Danii!

    1. Thank you! We will find out more soon! I took inspiration from living in L.A. and going to Lancaster all the time for rock concerts. Its a very strange desert-y town with stores, motels, a Moose Lodge (where all these rock concerts would take place), and a singular porn shop, which I always found funny. I think there was a tiny strip club too. Just a strange place, but it was so close to the glitz and glamour of L.A.
