Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break Already

Just finished week #7 on Sunday. It is flying by so much that i have no spare time to update. I shouldn’t even be on here now. Every spare minute I have is spent working on classwork. Anyway, Spring Break is catch up week for me. How fun. Turn in all those missing assignments (there really isn’t that many). And continue working on projects that are due the monday back or the week after.

Absolutely love my Screenwriting II class and working hard on my 1st draft of a feature length script. Editing class is awesome. I went in with the attitude of “I’ll never be an editor”. But this class made me see how cool editing is, how many edting decisions that are made to reflect the sitiry and make the audience feel an emotion. I am interested in it and i love working with fcp. Sound class is cool, but I am more interested in my other two classes, maybe the next 8 weeks we will do more exciting stuff.

So, for this week I have to finish my screenplay, finish my editing narration scene, edit film trailer, edit documentary project, write my editor research paper (6 to 8 pages), editing textbook reading, and two fcp lessons from book. It looks like so much….

I will hopefully check back in soon.