Thursday, March 30, 2017

Vampire Friday 03.31.17

Welcome to Vampire Friday!

Where we last left off Karlea let Jake drink from her to heal his wounds, but after she was healing from the blood loss, her heart became weak. She almost died, but Jake was able to heal her with his vampire blood. She awakens, healed and still human. Jake wasn't happy that she risked her life to heal him. She tried to leave Jake's apartment, but he won't let her go...

Karlea tried to pull away, but Jake wouldn't let go. 
"Vampires are after you, they won't just drain you and kill you, they will torture you first. When they stabbed you the other night that was just the beginning, they wouldn't have let you just die, not without playing first. Its in our nature. They knew I was there, so they let that be a warning to you."
"I don't know what I'm supposed to do. If its between them and you, I would much rather you just kill me, but you don't want me to die and you don't want to make me like you. And I don't want to see what I saw the other night - you almost failing to exist because of me. I don't know what what my options are, other than to walk out there and face this thing and let the problem be solved." She paused, her head swimming, "Please let me go."
 "I can't." Jake responded. 
"Why? You're a vampire, me dying, shouldn't be anything for you."
"It is for me."
"I've been alive almost 600 years, I've never found anyone like you. I'm not about to let you go so easily."
Karlea stared at him, unsure what to say. Jake pulled her gently back into him, leaning his head onto hers.
"Thank you for saving my existence." Jake whispered.
"Always." Slipped out of her mouth as if she didn't have to give it a second thought. Her own answer surprising her, her heart answering, not her head.
Jake looked at her and smiled, although part of him wanted to keep telling her how dangerous her answer was and how it was another case of a human being charmed by a vampire. She slightly smiled back, her nervousness over what this meant slightly showing. Jake caressed her cheek with his cold hand, a spark resonating between them. Jake threw out his irrational thought and did the rational thing, and planted his lips on hers. She fell into the kiss wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers finding their way through his hair at the base of his neck. Her body pressing against his, intensifying the kiss between them. Jake's want for her taking over. He pulled away to kiss her neck gently. Her head tipped back giving him better exposure. He caressed her soft skin with his tongue to her jugular. He could feel the blood flowing through her vein, it called to him and he wanted more of her sweet taste. He brought his lips down and sucked on her neck without breaking the skin, causing her to dig her nails into him. He wanted her blood but at that moment he wanted something more.
He pulled away and looked at her. "I want more than just your blood."

Thanks for reading! You can read more great authors here:
Linda Hamonou

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X

Sunday, March 26, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o3.26.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

Where we last left off, Karlea remembered everything from the night before. She was getting a bit close and comfy on Armani before she realized he used his mind control ability to make her forget. The last line when we left off, was her asking why he made her forget...

Anger took over and her resistance was once again back up. She balled up her fists, and punched at Armani's chest, but she was so weak compared to last night or the time in his dungeon that it hurt her fist each time, it felt like punching bricks. Armani shook his head and laughed, easily grabbing onto her wrists and overpowering her. He held them tight enough to cause her pain as she winced, as if punching his chest didn't hurt her enough.
"I needed to see if you wanted to remember." Armani answered, "You didn't hesitate to say yes, you didn't even have to think about it. If you hated me that much, you wouldn't have wanted to remember."
She had to admit, he had a point.
"And if I said no?" She asked, lowering her resistance.  

Ugh, I want to keep going, but that was 10.

Thanks for reading! I'm a bit behind on reading and commenting. I'm trying to come up with a better schedule. My kid free weekends are okay, but I need to figure out when to read/comment when they are with me. It gets difficult because they always want my attention. :)

You can read more amazing authors here and here.

I wanted to share this video of Marie Forleo interviewing author Cheryl Strayed. This interview is amazing. It opened up a lot of doors for me after I watched it, she tackled so many things I was struggling with.

And you can find me on social media here:

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Thursday Threads Flash Fiction Post

Just wanted to post this week's Thursday Thread's challenge. It was my first time participating and I had so much fun writing with a prompt. My brain naturally thinks vampires or werewolves for everything. This weeks prompt was: "We didn't buy them."

Lady Akeldama walked down the dark alleyway to where we stood. The four women, their hands bound tight with rope, and gagged by a simple mind control, stood with us - three whimpering through their invisible gags. The forth just trying to stare me down, angry, but unable to speak. I stared back at her beneath the hood of my cowl.  They had all seen what Edoardo and I were, but this one had too much of an attitude to be afraid. I was sure if she could speak, she would have some things to say to me. I was curious, but not enough in this alleyway. 
"You better not have spent all the money I gave you, Lord Kian." Lady Akeldama warned as she walked up to us, looking over the women before her. Her mannerisms giving away to how hungry she was. 
"Oh, we didn't buy them. We found them. It was a good hunt." I said smiling, showing my fangs, not breaking my stare at the brave one. 
"Those two are for you." Edoardo spoke, pointing to the first two women.
"And the other, two?" She asked, as she looked at whom I was staring at and then back at me. She looked at the third woman and then at Edoardo. "Oh lovely, you found yourselves mates. Edoardo, I don't know about you, all your mates perish quickly. Kian, you've been holding out for an eternity, hopefully this will bring you some satisfaction. Grab them and let's go."

Friday, March 24, 2017

Vampire Friday o3.24.17

Welcome to Vampire Friday!

Where we last left off Karlea offered Jake and Vaughn her blood to heal them from their injuries. They both managed to stop drinking from her before she died. Jake took it upon himself to take care of her while she was recovering from the blood loss. She woke up but was still very weak. She asked Jake if he and Vaughn were all healed before passing out in Jake's arms...

Jake stared at the human in his arms. She had strained herself to ask if he and Vaughn were okay; humans shouldn't care if they survived being the monsters that he and Vaughn were, but this girl was different. 
She moaned in her sleep, snapping Jake out of his thoughts, as her heart began to tank - beating slower and slower.
"Shit." Jake said, as he held her, he needed to hurry. 
He bit his wrist and dripped his blood into her mouth, hoping that at that exact moment her heart wouldn't stop, or else she wouldn't be waking up human. 
He listened to her heartbeat slowly increase as he was relieved that she didn't die when his blood hit her tongue - her waking up as a vampire wouldn't go very well. Not so soon anyway and under these circumstances. Although, when was a human ever turned vampire under good circumstances, Jake knew it rarely happened. And this was a perfect bad situation for it to happen.
He placed her back in his bed. She stirred as he covered her and then fell back into sleep, her heart staying steady. 

Many hours later, Karlea opened her eyes. She squinted at the clock and then at the drapery on the balcony doors, she could see the daylight peeking though a tiny section of the drapery that hadn't been closed right. She looked across the room and saw Jake sitting in a chair, his laptop, closed, on a coffee table next to him.
"Hey." She said.
"Hey." Jake replied, as she sat up. She looked next to her to find the rest of Jake's big bed untouched.

"Did you sleep? I mean, I didn't mean to put you out of your bed."
Jake smiled and laughed slightly, "Sleep isn't a requirement. I mean I could, but I don't have to."
"Right." She answered. "So, you've been sitting in a chair watching me sleep? How long have I been out?"
"Almost, two days. And I've been keeping a watchful eye on you to make sure your heart didn't give out...again. It already did once yesterday. You almost died. I had to give you my blood to heal you."
Jake sat next to her on the bed. "If your heart had stopped in the moment I gave you my blood, you wouldn't have woken up human. You don't want to be what I am."
A wave of anger came over him, "What you did was extremely dangerous and usually deadly."
"I knew you and Vaughn wouldn't kill me." She replied. 
"I'm a vampire, you can't trust me. If you die in my arms, I don't want to have to make that decision of whether you stay dead or if I get selfish and make you like me. You really don't want this."
Karlea jumped off of the bed, "I should...I should go."
"Its not safe for you out there." 
"Its not safe for me in here. Just don't worry about me, I'll be okay. Sorry for all the trouble you got in because of me."
She headed towards the door. Jake used his speed to grab unto her and pull her into him, forcefully, making her gasp.
"I'm sorry," Jake spoke softly, "I just don't want this to be your fate. Not yet, hopefully not ever --"
"Look, I get it," Karlea interrupted, "You just met me and ended up coming to my rescue. You don't have to try to protect me. I'm just going to survive day by day, like I've always done. And if its really as dangerous for me out there as you say, then it should all be over rather quickly." 

Thanks for reading! You can read more authors below:
Linda Hamonou

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X

Sunday, March 19, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o3.19.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

Where we last left off, Karlea couldn't remember the night before with Armani. She told Armani that she wanted to remember, so he released her from the mind control that he had placed on her to make her forget...
(creative editing employed to make it fit)

Images of their night together flooded her head; she remembered everything; every moment, every feeling, every touch, every taste, every movement, every bite...and every promise that was made. 
Armani caught her as she lost her balance from it all.
"I guess that was a lot to to take in all at once," Armani remarked, "sorry."

Karlea shook her head, she placed her hand on his upper arm and rested her head on his chest, surprising Armani at how comfortable she was getting on him, her resistance down; he rested his head on top of hers, holding her close. 
"It's okay," She said, quietly, "I wanted to remember."
Armani had to say it, he couldn't hold in, "I'm sorry, but we are hot together."
"Yeah, apparently." She replied even quieter.
She stayed where she was, letting Armani hold her.

"Wait...", she said a few minutes later, pulling away from him, "why did you use mind control to make me forget?"

oops ;)

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X

Saturday, March 18, 2017

My Sexy Saturday #181

Welcome to another edition of my Sexy Saturday! The theme for this week is Sexy Saves the Day. 

Two weeks ago, I shared a snippet from my vampire novel, BloodLust: Armani, written in Armani's P.O.V. I believe the scene I shared was right after this one, where Armani & Karlea fight off the frat vampires, together. This scene is what led to that fight...Armani saving the day. Armani is a pretty sexy vamp despite it all...
(Side note: a very minor character named Joe is mentioned, he's just the guy working the door of the club)

I looked up as I overheard the group of frat boys ready to make their move with me there, as they planned to take me out to get to her. There was no doubt I could take them all, my years and bloodline was way stronger than all of them put together. Usually I am more than happy for a fight, however, I was afraid of the scene this would cause, creating a distraction for Karlea to get away or for Joe to possibly protect her.

"It would be best if you left with me right now." I said,  my eyes looking behind her to the frat boys. She caught my drift and slightly looked behind her without them seeing. I could see her thinking as she looked at me - frat boys or me. At least, I was only one and more her type than a bunch of rowdy frat boys.

"Fuck." She cursed.

I held onto her hand as I stood up, pulling her up with me. She pulled her hand away as she stood looking at me.

"We need to make this quick. They are after you." I said as I held out my hand.
She looked back at the frat boys and then at me, still unsure.

"Do something crazy and take a chance." I said.

I leaned in close to her. "You know you want to." I said quietly.

She looked quickly back at the frat boys and then placed her hand in mine. I lifted her up so I could get her outside with my speed. She weighed nothing. I stopped a short distance from the club, it had gotten windy, and I could tell she was cold, shivering in my arms, I intended on giving her my suit jacket. 

Thanks for reading! You can read more great authors here!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Vampire Friday o3.17.17

Welcome to Vampire Friday! This is so my favorite blog hop, all vampire themed, I love it!

I am continuing on with my story BloodLust - the first in the series - I had started from the very beginning of it all, where Karlea met Jake and Vaughn at the club she works at. Later that night, Jake saves Karlea from being killed by a random vampire as she walks home, figuring out Jake (and Vaughn's) secret. Jake walks her home only to find her apartment ransacked. Jake brings her to his apartment for the night and recruits Vaughn to help him go find answers about what kind of trouble Karlea is in. As she waits for them to return, she decides to get some rest after such a long night. She awakens to Jake and Vaughn coming back, badly injured and in need of live human blood. Where we left off last week, she offered herself to Jake and Vaughn to heal them...

Jake felt her heart getting weaker and weaker. It wouldn't be long before it came to a complete stop. Her body already feeling limp and her skin not as warm as it should be. Jake tore himself away from her throat.
"I will not take her life." Jake said, drunk.
He looked at Vaughn, still feeding on her. He put a firm hand on Vaughn's shoulder. "I'm still here, so you won't be killing her either."
Vaughn pulled away, disappointed. "But I'm still hungry."
"Yeah, I think you're healed." Jake replied sarcastically.
"She tastes so good, though." Vaughn said almost drunk on her.
"If she lives, then more for later." Jake made a point. 
"True, but I don't think you'll let me near her again."
"I'm sure you'll find a way. You always do." Jake retorted.
Jake scooped the unconscious girl away from Vaughn and into his somewhat safe arms. Vaughn was right though, she did taste good, and Jake couldn't wait for more, either. This was going to be a problem.
"She saved us both." Jake said.

Jake peered into the doorway at the woman sleeping in his bed. He listened in to her heartbeat, it still sounded weak compared to what a healthy human's heart sounded like, but it wasn't nearly as weak as when he first brought her to his bed the night before. He had kept watch over her since, if her heart had gotten any weaker instead of better, he wouldn't have hesitated to give her some of his blood to heal her. But so far, she was healing slowly on her own. 

She stirred for the first time and then immediately sat up, looking around and holding her head that was still spinning. Jake walked into the room. This could not go well, Jake reminded himself, she could be terrified from what she was apart of. 
"Am I...?" She asked, confused.
"You're not dead." Jake smiled, "Nor are you reanimated. Therefore, still human."
"Okay." She replied, still confused. She noticed the time on the clock and jumped off the bed.
"I need to get to work." 
Suddenly, she lost the floor underneath her, still weak from the blood loss. Jake used his speed to catch her. She fell into his arms and held onto him for support.
"Whoa, you're not going anywhere, you're still weak." Jake scooped her up, pausing to stare at her for a second.
"Are you and Vaughn..." She asked, unable to finish her sentence. She rested her head on Jake's shoulder
"We healed because of you." 
She smiled and then closed her eyes, passing out on him. 

Thanks for reading! You can read more great authors below:
Linda Hamonou

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X

Sunday, March 12, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o3.11.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! I am so fortunate to have internet and power - I am in Rochester, New York where 80mph winds ripped through on Wednesday. No storm of any kind, just wind. I don't know how my side of the street escaped with no power outage despite trees and branches coming down. I always wondered what hurricane force winds felt like and now I know because I even had to walk in it. 

Anyway, I'm going to continue on where we left off last week with Armani & Karlea. Last week, she pulled Armani close and as he went to bite her, she told him she wanted to stake his heart. But Armani's brilliant comeback was that he knew she wanted to rip the sheet off of him as well ;)
Her last line was yelling at him to stop reading her mind...

"Its not just your thoughts, love, its your blood, your energy. It all is screaming for you to rip off this sheet more than it is to stake my heart." Karlea went to speak, but Armani stopped her, "And I can't stop reading your thoughts, nor your energy, nor your blood, because I can't block it out, it's intense. This bloodbond between us is stronger than it should be."
"Why can't I remember last night?" Karlea blurted out, overwhelmed.
"Tell me you want to remember..." Armani whispered, close to her ear. 
Karlea didn't hesitate, she looked up at him, "I want to remember."
Armani smiled, he looked into her eyes and released her from the mind control he had placed on her, "So...Remember."

What will happen when all those memories come flooding back?
Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X

Saturday, March 11, 2017

My Sexy Saturday #180

Hello, welcome to My Sexy Saturday! This week's prompt was Sexy Warrior and I had a hard time picking out an excerpt because there were three different stories I wanted to share, all with sexy warrior women :)

So, I finally decided on a scene from a pirate story I started. It doesn't have a title. The story starts out as the female captain, Caera, is in the middle of having sex with her Firstmate, Jack Night, when she hears a mutiny happening on her ship.

Captain Caera Flynn stepped out onto the deck of the captain's cabin with Jack right behind her, to the chaos of six men trying to take over her ship, The Crimson Lust. She stood there watching, swinging her sword around in a circle, waiting for them to make their way to the deck. Most of the loyal crew looked up at the Captain for instructions if they should let the men through or shut this whole thing down. Caera nodded her head a definite no to Connor. Connor reiterated to the rest of the crew to stand down. The crew stood down, raising their hands in the air, surrendering. The men, led by Buckley, made their way over to the stairs and rushed up them in a group, almost not fitting the width of the stairway, single file would have been much more appropriate. It almost made the Captain's serious look, crack into laughter. Jack took a step forward, in line with Caera, just in case this did get out of hand; he didn't want her to take the frontline all by her lonesome. 

As the men all ascended to the top of the stairs, they pointed their swords into Caera and Jack's faces. Caera didn't budge, she just stood there, still swinging her sword. Jack on the other hand, raised his eyebrows in how close the tips of the swords were to his face, and took a slight step back. Caera stopped swinging her sword around. She flipped her sword around and held it by the tip, holding the handle out to Buckley, a man of considerably older age than most on the ship. His face dark and wrinkled from all his years in the ocean sun. His white beard and hair braided. He was old enough to be Caera's grandfather, or perhaps her great grandfather.

"Mr. Buckley," She boomed, "the ship is yours."

The crew seemed to gasp and question her decision quietly in unison. Jack stared at her. He took a slight step to be right next her, knocking her elbow and whispering in her ear, "What are you doing?"

Caera just turned and gave Jack the devish smile of hers. She turned back to face the men.
"Do not question my authority, Mr. Night." She said, loudly.

Buckley took the sword from her. "Women do not belong on ships." He said.

"Mr. Buckley, arrr, Captain, " Caera started, "I was born on a ship, I will die on one."

Thanks for reading! The beginning and a little bit more is up on Wattpad if anyone wants more. Its a WIP and not edited at all.

You can find more My Sexy Saturday authors here.

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Vampire Friday o3.1o.17

Welcome to my favorite day of the week! 

I am continuing on with my story BloodLust - the first in the series - I had started from the very beginning of it all, where Karlea met Jake and Vaughn at the club she works at. Later that night, Jake saves Karlea from being killed by a random vampire as she walks home, figuring out Jake (and Vaughn's) secret. Jake walks her home only to find her apartment ransacked. Jake brings her to his apartment for the night and recruits Vaughn to help him go find answers about what kind of trouble Karlea is in. As she waits for them to return, she decides to get some rest after such a long night. She awakens to Jake and Vaughn coming back, badly injured and in need of live human blood. Where we left off last week, she had just walked into the room, and Vaughn warned her it wasn't safe for her to be there.

"I know it's not, but I can heal you." She said.
Her voice was almost drowned out by the sound of her heartbeat for Jake and Vaughn.
Jake rolled off the couch, onto his feet, not as gracefully as he usually was. He could barely stand. He looked like a corpse.
"No! I will not risk taking your life! Vaughn, will. I will not." Jake said, trying to stand between her and Vaughn. He would use whatever he had left in him, to keep her from being killed. Even though, once he perished, Vaughn would just kill her anyway, but it was innate for him to protect her. 
Vaughn smiled, Karlea noticing his fangs for the first time. He took another step forward, Jake putting out his arm in case Vaughn went in to attack, in hopes to catch him before he could reach Karlea. Even now, Vaughn was enjoying keeping his progeny on his toes. 

Karlea looked at them, she stepped slowly towards her messenger bag that was still sitting on the floor from earlier. Vaughn watched her like he was watching prey, as Jake watched both her and Vaughn.
Karlea grabbed her pocket knife she had shoved into the water bottle pocket.
"You helped me, please let me help you." She said. 

She flipped it open and dragged the blade across her skin from her shoulder to the top of her breast. She moaned quietly as she felt the sting of the wound and her blood start to drip down. She dropped the knife.
Jake and Vaughn both jumped back from the sight of her blood, trying to control themselves. The sweet smell of her blood hit both of them. Vaughn was reminded of his taste of her at the club. 
She watched as Jake's eyes turned red. He stood back in between her and Vaughn with both of his arms out again. 
"Karlea..."Jake spoke slowly, his voice strained, his eyes changing to black, losing all self control, "Run. Please, run."
Karlea shook her head and stood there. Vaughn went to attack, but Jake caught him and used whatever strength he had left to shove Vaughn aside. Jake used his speed to appear in front of Karlea. He put his arm around her and pulled her into him as she jumped in surprise. He placed his hand on her cheek as she breathed heavily.
"I'm so sorry." He said, Karlea seeing his fangs for the first time. She wasn't scared, she felt she was finally where she needed to be, right in their world. He licked the blood dripping down her before slamming his fangs into her. Her nails clawed into his arm and he felt her body tense up, but not in pain and fear, in excitement. She didn't struggle or try to pull away, she just let him take what he wanted. 
He was finally getting that taste he had been denying himself all night. Her blood was sweeter than he even imagined it. Sweeter than what Vaughn had described. Which meant this could get addictive if she actually lived through this. He tried to remind himself that every sip towards healing was a sip away from her life.
Vaughn stood back and watched, elated that his progeny finally had the balls to drink from her. Jake's severe wounds already healing. However, he still needed to heal, too. Karlea opened her eyes and did her best to hold out her wrist to him. Vaughn went over to her, taking her wrist to his mouth. He felt her body tense up as he bit into her wrist. He drank, but it wasn't enough. He pulled away. He pushed her hair away from the side of her neck that wasn't occupied by Jake and bit down. it wouldn't be the first time, he and Jake shared a feeding, although it had been years.

Between the sensations of Jake and Vaughn feeding, and the light headedness, it felt as though there was no ground beneath her feet. With her eyes closed, the darkness began to spin and she didn't have the strength to hold onto Jake for support, her hand slipping off of his body, however they both easily held her up with no effort. She tried to open her eyes to find her way out of the blackness, but couldn't. She was losing herself down in it, eventually being swallowed up.

Thanks for reading! You can read more great authors here:
Linda Hamonou

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X

Sunday, March 5, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o3.o5.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

I'm going to continue on, right where we left off last week because the fun isn't over for these two. Where we last left off, Karlea had a bit of a dilemma. ;)

She moved her hand up his chest and wrapped it around the back of his neck, almost holding him to her shoulder. He went to enter his fangs into her. 
"I want to stake your heart so fucking bad." She whispered, stopping him. He pulled away from her shoulder to stare her in the eyes.
"Ah, yes, there is that. But you also want to rip this sheet off of me." Armani replied.
"Stop reading my thoughts!" 

Sorry, I have to stop there. Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment below, I always respond and read yours as well, leaving a comment. :) I'll be making the rounds a bit later than usual, either tonight or tomorrow, only because I have a super busy day with the kids. Once all that gets done, then I can read.

You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X

Saturday, March 4, 2017

My Sexy Saturday #179

Welcome to My Sexy Saturday! Last week was so fun, I'm participating again :)

I'm continuing on with my erotic vampire story from last week. Armani is the vampire that was stalking the human woman, Karlea, at the vampire nightclub. He wasn't the only one stalking her, as it seemed a bunch of frat-like vampires were, too. Armani gives her a choice to leave with him or stay and be ripped apart by the frat boys. She leaves with him but then they are cornered outside by the frat...

"She belongs to me." I said to them.

"Not for long." One of them dared to reply.

They came at me. I knocked five of them to the ground, but where was the sixth. I turned to see him backing Karlea into a wall. She didn't look scared, instead she looked serious and determined. As she took another step back, she hit the wall. The frat boy lunged at her throat but was met with a small stake she pulled out from the bosom of her dress, just under his heart before she went all bad ass on him and punched the stake up into his heart. Damn. The other five quickly got to their feet. I threw three of them off at me at once, smashing them into a concrete wall with hardly any effort. As I went to take on the other two, one perished in front of me with a stake through his heart. Karlea standing on the other side. 


"You helped me, just returning the favor I guess." She said, although I could sense the adrenaline coursing through her.

"I see you've done this before." I said as I punched the last remaining frat boy.

"More or less." She smirked, as if for it to be a warning to me.

A little background on this story - I have written about 30k in the original version, titled BloodLust: Armani. Its originally written in third person. But then I had the fun idea to try writing it in Armani's voice, which is what I'm sharing. BloodLust: Armani is the second story in the series, though, the first isn't finished either. I've been writing these for about 5 years now, pretty much writing a paragraph a week because that's all I can give. 

More great reads at My Sexy Saturday!

Thanks for reading! And have a great weekend! 

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X

Friday, March 3, 2017

Vampire Friday o3.o3.17

Its been a long time, but here I am once again! This is my favorite day of the week.

So, where I last left off with my story BloodLust - the first in the series - I had started from the very beginning of it all, where Karlea met Jake and Vaughn at the club she works at. Later that night, Jake saves Karlea from being killed by a random vampire as she walks home, figuring out Jake (and Vaughn's) secret. Jake walks her home only to find her apartment ransacked. Jake brings her to his apartment for the night and recruits Vaughn to help him go find answers about what kind of trouble Karlea is in. As she waits for them to return, she decides to get some rest after such a long night.

Karlea awoke to a door bursting open outside of Jake's bedroom. She heard comotion and then the door slammed shut. She heard dishes and glasses crashing to the kitchen floor. 
She quickly climbed out of Jake's bed and quietly tiptoed down the long hallway. She cautiously peered around the corner to see Jake lying on the sofa, his torso covered in blood. She could only slightly see his face. He looked even more pale than he usually was from what she could see. She couldn't see his eyes, but she noticed the dark circles around them, that made him look completely dead. His body shaking, so close to complete and final death. Vaughn yanked a blood bag from the back of the fridge and opened it. He didn't look like he was doing well either, but better than Jake at the moment. He rushed over to Jake's side the best he could.
"You need live blood, not this shit." Vaughn said, as Jake's shaking bloody hand, reached for it slowly. 
Vaughn fell sitting on the floor, "We both do."
Jake sucked down some of the blood before he began to choke on it. He coughed and threw up blood onto the floor. Way more blood than what he just took in. 
"I need to find you a human." Vaughn said, grabbing the rest of the blood bag and drinking it. He threw down the bag when it was empty and waited for it to help with his wounds and his hunger.
"You're in no shape," Jake slowly said with a raspy voice as if he were struggling for air.
"This isn't doing shit." Vaughn said.
"Go heal yourself. Its too late for me. Take care of her."
"You know how I will take care of her, Jake."
"I know. She'll be better off."

Karlea stepped out from the hallway. 
"Karlea." Vaughn said as he stood up. "Its not safe for you."
His eyes were the darkest black as hunger took over. He took one step towards her. 

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Linda Hamonou

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X