Sunday, January 23, 2022

WeWriWa o1.23.22


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! 

Continuing on with my serial killer WIP. My main character, Dennis, is in The Gentleman's Club for what he calls his hot date with a stripper. Where I last left off, they were chatting like they do every night after her performance...

“Callie’s upset I out did her tonight”

“I think you out do her every night.” I smiled. 

“Thanks. But again, you almost missed it.” She smacked my arm lightly, which sent an aroused shiver through me, “You’ve been getting here later and later.”

“My brother is still gone, so I’m running the shop by myself. It makes it hard to get here at my usual time.”

She nodded and motioned to the shots. I handed her hers and took mine. We toasted our glasses together and threw it back, slamming our glasses back down on the bar. 

“I’m glad he’s gone,” she said.

Thanks for reading! I will get around to reading blogs after work tomorrow. The weekends I have my kids, makes it hard to do the rounds, so I'm going to make it routine on those weekends to read on Mondays.

You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

~Danii X


  1. Interesting how this is all unfolding and I'm on the edge of my chair...great snippet.

  2. Interesting snippet. I wonder why she's glad.

  3. Oh yeah, that last line asks all kinds of questions! Good writing, Danii. :-)

  4. Why is she glad his brother is gone? Excellent way to leave us hanging.
