Saturday, February 5, 2022

WeWriWa o2.o6.22


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! 

Continuing on with my serial killer WIP. My main character, Dennis, is in The Gentleman's Club for what he calls his hot date with a stripper...

We did a few more rounds of shots, before she grabbed my hand, asking me if I was ready. I grabbed the rest of my drink and she pulled me to the usual empty, dark, corner, making me sit down in a chair she pulled out for me, setting my drink down on the table next to it. Using her stiletto against my chest, she pushed me back in the chair, swaying to the music. She stretched her leg over my lap and then her other, so she was sitting on me, facing me. She let her shrug slip off onto the floor and she pulled her hair down, letting it fall into her face as she danced against me, her hand on my shoulder. I quickly went into my front pants pocket, removing my keys, not wanting her to get hurt on them. She stopped me as I went to set them on the table, touching the crystal star.

“Your birthday is soon.” She said.

I nodded, “In two weeks.”

“I’ll have to make it more special than giving you a keychain.” “It’s my good luck charm.” I smiled, setting the keys down on the table.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

~Danii X


  1. There's a lot going on between them (besides the sexiness). Great descriptions and pacing.

  2. Oh, he seems far more than simply a regular customer to her. Intriguing!

  3. That was quite the suggestion she dropped.

  4. So much subtext here. It's quite an involving and intriguing snippet!

  5. Hmmm... I wonder what she's up to? At first I though their relationship was pretty straightforward. Not I'm not so sure...

  6. I agree that there's more going on than what's written. Interesting.
