Saturday, January 1, 2022

WeWriWa 01.02.22


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! I hope everyone had a great New Year's! I didn't get to respond to comments last week nor read snippets, but thank you to all that left comments.

Continuing on with my serial killer WIP. Where I last left off, my main character, Dennis, just walked into The Gentleman's Club for his hot date...

I walked over to the bar, where Dave, the bartender stood. I nodded my head for the usual and then added, “Have two shots ready.” I placed two twenties on the bar and added, “And I need change.” He shook his head and before making the drinks, placed twenty ones in front me. 

I made my way to the stage as Serena watched me from the corner of her eye, as she blew the old gentleman in front of her a kiss, trying to work him to give her a tip as she danced. I stepped in between them, as she leaned her torso out for me to stuff ones in her panties, as if to show the older gentleman how it worked. As I stuffed another one in the front of her panties, she made a face like she was getting off on it. I smiled and winked at her. She smiled back and immediately went for the chair, lying down all sexy like underneath the front of it. What was she going to do now?

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

~Danii X


  1. Oh, is Serena his date? You've developed the voice of this character so well!

  2. Guess it will be a hot date. Great snippet!

    1. A young, almost naked girl, it most certainly will be lol. Thanks for reading!

  3. She's enticing. His voice is compelling, makes me want to read more.

  4. So Serena must be the hot date. I agree with Jessica that you've developed his voice very well.

  5. Fanning self. Having visited such a venue with an old boyfriend, you've really set the scene.

    1. There's a dingy strip bar here in Rochester where I got the inspiration from. It's called The Barrel of Dolls. Lol. Thanks for reading!

  6. Oh my, I have all kinds of questions--since this is a serial killer story. :-) You really paint the scene well.

    1. Ooo I'm glad it raises questions :)
      Thanks for reading!
