Sunday, March 12, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o3.11.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! I am so fortunate to have internet and power - I am in Rochester, New York where 80mph winds ripped through on Wednesday. No storm of any kind, just wind. I don't know how my side of the street escaped with no power outage despite trees and branches coming down. I always wondered what hurricane force winds felt like and now I know because I even had to walk in it. 

Anyway, I'm going to continue on where we left off last week with Armani & Karlea. Last week, she pulled Armani close and as he went to bite her, she told him she wanted to stake his heart. But Armani's brilliant comeback was that he knew she wanted to rip the sheet off of him as well ;)
Her last line was yelling at him to stop reading her mind...

"Its not just your thoughts, love, its your blood, your energy. It all is screaming for you to rip off this sheet more than it is to stake my heart." Karlea went to speak, but Armani stopped her, "And I can't stop reading your thoughts, nor your energy, nor your blood, because I can't block it out, it's intense. This bloodbond between us is stronger than it should be."
"Why can't I remember last night?" Karlea blurted out, overwhelmed.
"Tell me you want to remember..." Armani whispered, close to her ear. 
Karlea didn't hesitate, she looked up at him, "I want to remember."
Armani smiled, he looked into her eyes and released her from the mind control he had placed on her, "So...Remember."

What will happen when all those memories come flooding back?
Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Ooh, shivery and cool about the memories!

    1. Armani enjoys keeping her on her toes ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  2. Cool how he can control her memory.

    1. Thanks! :) He only does it when he needs to...or when he wants to mess with her.

  3. I wonder why he didn't want her to remember until now?

    Glad you're ok- 80 mph winds are no joke!

    1. We might get that answer next week ;)

      I have never been in 80mph winds before, this is not something we get in western NY. And yeah definitely no joke.

  4. You've created very interesting characters with remarkable strengths. Excellent snippet.
    I'm closer to NYC but the winds have been scary. And here comes a blizzard! What the hey!

    1. Thank you, that means so much! This is my forst book and I really ahve no clue what I'm doing, so comments like that make me more confident that I can finish this thing.

      There's still areas without power that the electric companies are rushing to try to get all back on before the snow comes. It was in the 50's when we got the wind and has been in the single digits after. I'm nervous now because these trees and lines are even weaker now and could still come down.

  5. Now I understand why she didn't remember the night before. It wasn't booze!

    1. She had some wine with him the night before but not that much, lol.

      Thanks for reading!

  6. He definitely likes provoking her, doesn't he? ;)

    1. oh, yes he does! But we'll see she likes to provoke him too.

      Thanks for reading!

  7. That sent shivers down my spine. He can read her mind and control her memories? Wow!

    Glad you're okay after those winds.

    1. Thanks...and now I'm dealing with this snowstorm. Blah. We have over 2 feet of snow!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Oh my, she gotta stack him and now he is sort of giving her a good reason to do so.

    1. He's always giving her a good reason to.
      Thanks for reading!

  9. Always great sexual tension between them. I can't wait for her to get her memories back.

    1. I can't wait for their sexual tension to just explode. ;)
      Thanks for reading!
