Sunday, November 4, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 11.o4.12

First I want to say that I wish for the safety of those who were effected by the hurricane this week. It breaks my heart to see the devastation left in the wake of that storm. My hometown of Rochester, only saw rain and high winds that knocked over trees and power lines, but nothing like along the coast. I was born and raised in New York, so apart of me will always be a New Yorker. NYC was always like a second home, and if we had not moved to California three months ago, we would have moved to NYC. 

It is incredibly scary to me that this storm hit so far up the east coast. They simply were not prepared for a hurricane; remnants of a hurricane yes, but not an actual hurricane. I can't even imagine the damage had it been stronger than a category 1. 

There are many ways to donate and help. I ask everyone to please make a small contribution. This NBC webpage has many different organizations that you can donate to. Thank you!

So, I am dedicating my SSS to all the hurricane victims, with all my heart and love :)

Armani pulled her from behind him, walking towards the steel door at the end of the long hallway. Karlea kept up with him without struggling, as she pulled the small stake from her bra. She raised the stake, ready to drive it through his back, into his heart. Armani turned around with his vampire speed and knocked the stake from her hand, immediately pushing her into the wall.
"A valiant effort, I must say." He grinned as he used his speed to pick up the stake, "You're dating a vampire, I expected you to be carrying one on you."

She's really going to be in trouble now! They always make it look so easy to stake a vampire, do they forget that vamps are much much stronger and faster than humans?

Thanks for reading and please comment! I love comments! I apologize if I didn't get to yours this past week, Halloween threw me off and I seem to be catching up on sleep this week. I will go back and read/comment this week. 

One last order of business: If you are in the US, get out and vote on Tuesday!!!!! 


  1. Yes, I didn't think it was going to be that easy, but it sure was fun to read. Hope you get some good rest this week.

    1. Thanks for reading. Glad you enjoyed it :)
      I think she has really pissed him off now.

  2. He knows his power over her - letting her try. Toying with her. Naughty vamp

  3. Yeah, no kidding, Siren. Vampires are faster, stronger, and they have that whole "in thrall" thing going for them. At least she tried! No telling what Armani has in store for her now! ;)

    1. Even though he knew, it gives him a reason to be pissed off now. No telling what he'll do next, but I bet Karlea is hoping for a quicker death.

  4. Driving a wooden stake into ANYONE wouldn't be easy.

    1. I know, right? I would imagine they would have to stay incredibly still. I think Karlea is cursing all those vampire movies in her head, where they make it look easy :) Thanks for reading!

  5. To everyone who commented: Thank you for always taking the time to read/comment on mine. It means so much!
    I am hoping to read yours tonight! If not, I will definitely get to it this week. I always try to work on stuff after my kids go to bed at night, but lately I fall asleep with them.

  6. Uh oh! I'm so glad I don't have to wait for the next six. Going right now! ;c)

  7. Well, now I know what to do if I ever date a vampire. Very cleverly written, Siren! Excellent job! :)

    1. Armani will explain why humans dating vamps carry a stake on them in last weeks six :) Heehee.
      Thanks for reading.
