Sunday, October 28, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 1o.28.12

Good morning! I forget about the time difference I now have to deal with here. I woke up thinking I had time to write a blog post, but then remembered I am three hours behind the east coast! Its still so strange to me and I am still not understanding the television schedules here. I really wanted to go back to sleep, I hardly sleep as it is, but here I am writing. 

I am currently bracing myself for my first earthquake, as if I can predict these things, but with the 7.7 quake that struck off the cost of Alaska and Canada and a tsunami warning... I am definitely aware. In my mind, plates of the earth moved, it could cause a rippling effect down the west coast; more plates will have to shift somewhere (hopefully not here).

And go GIANTS!!!! Although I would like them to win the series at home. It is going to be crazy here if they win and I am definitely going to that parade! I wanted to go to the games at home, but if it had been a week later, I could have budgeted for $300 tickets. I am still a Red Sox fan at heart, but I have to support my home team in this awesome place I now live, so they will now be up there with the Sox.

Okay, let's continue on with my WIP, picking up where we left off last week, continuing with Armani's dialog...

"I will make you forget who you are. I will do all that for you and then for me, I will take all your sexual energy and blood."

Karlea was scared; he was going to rape her...and it sounded brutal, before he would drink her dry. She was hoping for a quick death, knowing how some vampires liked to make it torturous but this was going to be anything but quick. She didn't know what to do, what could she do?

Then she remembered the small stake she had lodged between her breasts inside her bra.

Thanks for reading! Please comment! I love comments! And I will always comment back on yours, too :)

Check out other great sixers here.

And if I could ask one more favor...please vote for Nick 13 of Tiger Army on CMT's Pure 12-Pack Countdown

I know, I know, I am plugging country music here, but Nick  13's music is actually really good. Its country, but it has this really dark feel to it. I kept hearing people say that it was really good even if you weren't into country, so I decided to check it out. And I have to say Nick 13 is extremely talented! Please vote for him, I promised him he would get to #1 (a spot he clearly deserves) on the countdown. Thanks!

Have a great Halloween! And I wish everyone on the east coast to stay safe from Hurricane Sandy!!!!

Hearts & Stars


  1. She's had a stake this whole time! OMG, that girl is a bit distracted. I hope she's able to keep it together and get herself free. Looking forward to the what happens next.

    1. She's so terrified, but yet completely distracted by Armani, even though she is/was dating a different vamp.

  2. Quite right! A smart girl would never enter Vampire territory without a stake close to her heart. Go girl!

  3. Wow, the colors make it *very* difficult to read. I hope everything turns out okay for her.

  4. Well! I'm certainly glad she came to her senses! Interesting six this week, Siren. Hope the west coast stays "still" and that everyone gets through Sandy without too much trouble. I suppose I'm rooting for the Giants since it'll make my Cardinals look better if the Giants take the series. ;)

    1. Well, they won and it was craziness in the streets! In that sense, SF didn't stay still, but earthquake wise it did :) However LA had a 3.7 last Sunday.

  5. Whew. (wipes brow.) I hope she knows how to use it! And I agree with giverningana: red o black is very hard to read. Said it 15 years ago, and I still think the same way.

    1. She's been dating a vampire, so she knows how to use it well ;)

  6. Yay! She has a stake in her cleavage! I don't have great expectations for her success though...

    1. I don't either. She knows how to use it, but we forget that vampires are much stronger and faster, and have a keen sense of hearing.

  7. Glad to hear she has a backup plan. Good luck on the coast, Siren. :)

    1. Thanks for reading. And I will catch up on yours soon.

  8. Hopefully something will shift and he'll either change his mind or she'll be successful in using the stake.

    1. I really don't want to see him get staked, he's grown on me :)

  9. I love how even tho she's shaking in her boots, she remembers her stake. Go girl!

    1. hey, thanks for stopping by. I will catch up on yours this week :)

  10. Oh, WOW. What a great twist (and hook)!
