Sunday, November 25, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 11.25.12

Its Sunday! Yay! I hope everyone had a great week! 

And if you're in the U.S., I hope you survived a totally insane Black Friday. I won't go into the politics of it, but I usually don't even venture out of my house on that day, too crazy for me. 

Anyway, I ended up going into San Francisco Friday evening (and it was very busy), and went out to dinner with the hubby, finally, at Millenium! Vegan awesomeness!!! It was soo good. Yum! 

Then off to see Henry Rollins perform at Yoshi's Jazz Club, doing his spoken word thing. I have seen him before and he never disappoints, he is always so entertaining, and so intelligent and well read. He referenced at a lot of his old punk days and other punk bands, which I love when he does this! He talked for over two hours, but I could easily listen to him for hours and hours on end. I missed the fact that he was performing three shows here, until Wednesday when I figured it out. It was kinda perfect because I have been re-reading one of his books, finding much inspiration from it, and I thought it would be cool to see him live again. We waited outside afterwards and met him!!!! I just met one of the most influential people of the early punk scene; Henry Rollins of Black Flag!!! He signed my book and took a photo with me. We also got to meet Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys) who was there to see Henry perform. It was cool. If Ian MacKaye had been there, I totally would have flipped out!!! He's doing another performance tonight at Yoshi's, so I can hope that maybe Ian will be there. 
Photo credit totally goes to the hubby!!!

I had my arm around him, it was awesome! And he totally smelled of punk sweat and I would not have wanted it any other way. So, wish I could have seen Black Flag back in the day!

Yeah, as if that above does nothing for my inspiration. Its going to be a great writing week!!!

On to my six. We pick up this week with Karlea and Armani right where we left off. After Karlea is taken against her will by Armani. Karlea tries to stake him unsuccessfully. Now he is pissed and just keeps toying with her. Where we left off, Armani had Karlea locked in his vampire embrace...

Karlea pushed against his shoulders in a desperate attempt to get his body off of her, but his body was so cold and heavy against hers that it barely moved the slightest inch. Karlea gave up and relaxed her body, letting him take what he wanted from her. The pain of his bite radiated through her throat, she could feel Armani sucking hard at her neck, taking life from her with each sip. She felt the room spin, involuntarily grabbing onto Armani's shoulders for support as she closed her eyes.

Armani pulled her closer into him, holding tightly onto her as he felt her get weaker, her breasts smashed up against him, he had pulled her so close. He really wanted to bite one, but he knew if he didn't stop soon, she would be dead and his play time would be over.

What will happen next? Will he stop before he kills her? If he does, what is he going to do to her next?

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! To all my sixers, whom I usually read every week, I am still trying to catch up on last week's six. So, if I didn't get to yours yet, I definitely will either now or a bit later!

More great authors can be found here. Some of my favs are Christina DeFelice, Sarah Ballance, Mina Carter, Sue Ann Bowling, Silver James, S.E. Gilchrist, Laura Kaye, S.J. Maylee, Siobhan Muir, Gayle Ramage, Angela Quarles, Evelyn Jules, Kristal Baird, Karysa Faire, Pippa Jay, and Ryan Derham! I could list even more!

Have a fun filled week of writing and reading!


  1. The moment of crisis. I like her submission to his will at this point and his realization that he could go too far...

    1. She kind of has no other choice but to submit. If she struggles, it hurts more and there's a chance she could have her throat ripped out. Ouch! All the knowledge she acquired dating a vamp!
      I think normally Armani would just be happy to kill, but he likes playing with Karlea.
      Thanks for reading :)

  2. Yowch! This is a wickedly intense moment!

    1. Armani is pretty intense guy, I mean vampire ;-) He either has to kill her, turn her, or stop right now before he kills her.

  3. I have trouble seeing Armani as anything but a monster.

    1. He totally wants to rip her apart, but he's just not done yet ;)

      Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!

  4. Oh man, I am loving this! I love that he can't get enough of her. I want play time to continue for as long as possible, so Armani...let's keep the biting to a minimum. ;)

    1. Usually Armani just wants to get the kill over with, but he is having so much fun with her! I think someone might have a crush on her :)

  5. Great six! I love the story between them. He needs to either let her go or just turn her so he can play with her forever lol!! And thank you for the mention in the favs!! I appreciate that so much!! Thank you!

    1. Thanks. I am having so much fun writing this! It is a side story that came off of my main novel. Originally, it was supposed to be a short fantasy in Karlea's mind, but it just kinda took off. So, I guess its either going to be a novel or novella. I'm hoping if I get this story out, then i can focus on finishing my novel.

    2. P.S. I'll talk to you more later about it. Maybe some suggestions with it will help :)

  6. I hope she gets to stake him at least once for this, but I liked this thoughts on what he wants to do to her. Good six, Siren, and thank you so much for the mention. :)

  7. Ugh! That seems very overwhelming and spooky. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I hope she manages to turn the tables on him. I like that you set up a dilemma for him -- what to do about her.

    1. Thanks for reading!
      He wants to drain her so bad, but he wants to mess with her too. What will he do? :)
