Sunday, February 12, 2017

WeWriWa o2.12.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

This week we continue on from where we left off two weeks ago, where Karlea is looking for her clothes. The first line is Karlea speaking after Armani told her she wasn't going anywhere...

“I know.”
Karlea was trying really hard not to focus on the image of him lying in bed, a sheet covering his lower half while his tattooed chest was exposed with his beautiful looking face. Damn, he could be hot.The dark part of her wanted to remember what happened last night - Armani reading all this.
“I just want my clothes,” Karlea said re-focusing, “where are they?”
“I believe you took them off downstairs.” Armani smiled, as he pointed to the way down, in case she forgot.

Karlea didn't remember, it was all a blur, she was so exhausted. As she went to take a step towards the way Armani was pointing, she realized just how sore she was. How many times did we do it, she thought.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,

~Siren X


  1. Ah, the morning after, when all the memories and any regrets crash home. Great snippet.

  2. Oh yes, when you wake up and wonder where on earth you left your clothes. Great snippet.

  3. I'm intrigued by her inability to remember. :-)

  4. Dangerous and sexy... interesting!

  5. Great depiction of the morning after the night before.

    1. Hehehe. I always enjoy your comments!
      Thanks for reading.

  6. You know you've had a great night when you can't remember exactly where the clothes came off!

  7. He's a vampire, right? That might be partly why she can't remember.

    1. Armani likes to mess with her, so I totally would not put it past him to make her forget :)

      Thanks for reading!

  8. This would be very disconcerting for her....

    1. Yes, but her visual of Armani isn't so bad. ;)
      Thank you for reading!

  9. Now that's an interesting last line :-) Tweeted.
