Sunday, September 6, 2015

WeWriWa o6.o9.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

We will continue on where Armani left off last week...

You are forever bonded to me. You will protect me no matter what the consequence. Even when you hate me.” Armani paused. “And if you did mean me harm, I would have already had your body in a thousand pieces.”
Armani stopped and squeezed her hand inside his chest.
"My life is to protect you now and fight for you, no matter what, even when you hate me."

Karlea stared at him, taking in his declaration to her. She finally understood the seriousness of bloodbonding; what it meant and what it entailed. She understood why Jake was always hesitant towards the subject, but she still didn't understand why he refused to bloodbond her, even after all they had been through together...

Karlea's thoughts will have to continue next week. 

Thanks for reading!

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You can read more great authors at WeWriWa and Snippet Sunday

Enjoy your week! Its 2015, do something fabulous!

Hearts & Stars,
~Siren X

1 comment:

  1. Oops! That's becoming serious. Now I wonder if she can kill him or not and what would happen to her if she does.
