Sunday, September 27, 2015

WeWriWa 27.o9.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! I would also like to wish you a Happy Autumn!! One of my favorite times of the year.

We continue on with Armani & Karlea...

Armani kept moving as he drank, wanting to bring her to the point of climaxing. He drank until his loss of blood was replenished enough without leaving her too weak, he needed her still conscious and aware. He wanted to flip her over, so she was on top of him, but he could tell she didn't have enough in her to handle such activity - her human body exhausted. He moved, listening to her sounds, in tune with them and her body, and focusing on her sexual energy.
“We need to discuss your punishment.” Armani said.
“Punishment?” Karlea breathed, almost not able to speak. She was so close
“For punching your fist through my chest.” Armani paused, “Twice, and for all the smart ass comments you have made, such as my blood tastes like cheap wine.”

Ooops...Karlea's in trouble...again ;)

Thanks for reading! You can read more great authors at WeWriWa and Snippet Sunday

Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X


  1. Definitely rough sex.

  2. Fun! I'm very intrigued by these two. A snarky vampire gets me every time.

    1. Armani is the king of snark ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  3. My she is in trouble again, she should have killed him already!

    1. I think she lost her will to kill him. Although this scene she may want too ;)
      Thanks for reading!
