Sunday, September 20, 2015

WeWriWa 2o.o9.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

We continue on where we left off last week:

"I love you covered in my blood." Armani said.
"Feel free to make that happen more often."
"That I can do."
"Here," Karlea said, exposing her throat, "for the blood loss."
Armani smiled and raised his eyebrows. His eyes turned red and he flashed Karlea his fangs as he ran his index finger over her jugular. He kissed her lips, his tongue gently parting them and finding its way inside her mouth; her jugular pulsating under his index finger. He slipped himself back inside of her, as she moaned and smiled with her eyes closed, before running his tongue along her jugular, feeling her human pulse. Armani bit down hard, causing Karlea to yell out.

Thanks for reading! You can read more great authors at WeWriWa and Snippet Sunday

Have a great Sonntag! (Sunday) 
(Learning German slowly)

Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X


  1. This makes my sex life seem so utterly tame. I wonder if my wife will let me sever her jugular? ;-)

  2. Why do I have a feeling that someone is going to die? That's a lot of blood of out their body, for both of them.

    1. This is only their first night together. Armani needs to turn her or she's not going to make it very far.
