Sunday, February 8, 2015

WeWriWa o2.o8.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

This week picks up right where we left off last week...
As soon as Karlea threw Mikal off of her, Armani was on top of him, throwing punches. 
"Our bloodbond is strong, you should have never threatened my life!" Armani yelled. "And you don't lay a hand on my future progeny!"
All it took was a glance from Armani, and Karlea knew exactly what to do. With her strength, she broke a leg of the wooden coffee table, making sure to have the wood split in such a way that it left a very sharp point. 
With grace and agility, she threw it to him, Armani catching it without having to look; he slammed the stake into Mikal, just missing his heart.

Must. Stop. There. Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments! And thank you for all the great comments last week!

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Enjoy your week! Its 2015, do something fabulous!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Hey Siren! Really well-described, action-packed scene! Looking very forward to more. Thanks for stopping by my blog last week. I'm happy to have a fellow online dater who understands the craziness of the experience. lol

    1. Thanks for reading! I'll post more on your snippet instead of here in case you don't see this. ;)

  2. I like Karlea's strength, agility, and fast thinking

  3. Oops, that was close, but now they can play with him a little before the kills. :)

  4. Wow! Missing was intentional? It sent a very clear message. Nicely done, Siren! :-)

  5. Very dramatic and I'm with Teresa, I like the way Armani ended things. Great snippet!
