Saturday, February 14, 2015

WeWriWa o2.15.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day! We won't get into my politics of this day, but yes I had a nice one :)

We are going to pick up right where we left off last week... (Edited to fit 8 sentences)

“Now, you’re gonna listen to me,” Armani said, in a tone that should have frightened Karlea, but didn't,“you’re going to finish the job I gave you, then we will discuss your payment. And you’re not going to come back into my place uninvited.”
Armani pushed the stake in deeper and pulled it out as Mikal yelled in pain. Karlea watched as Armani drove the stake back in deep, and then pulled it out again; he did this a few more times, torturing Mikal.
“Go!” Armani commanded.
Before Karlea could blink her eyes, Mikal was gone.
Armani rushed to her side, "Are you alright?"

I don't want to stop there, but I have to. I promise next week will be way more fun, think you can hold on that long?

Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments! And thanks for all the great comments last week, again. Makes me :)

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Enjoy your week! Its 2015, do something fabulous!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. I think maybe Mikal learned his lesson. I know I would have :-) Armani would be enough to scare the begeesus out of me. :-) Good snippet, Siren. :-)

  2. I'm shuddering, this is very intense. Great job.

  3. Not someone you want to anger. Intense scene.

  4. He should have killed him, disloyal bastard like that are always going to make trouble.

  5. So will Mikal do as he's told, or will he make even more trouble because of Armani's actions before letting him go? Hopefully this won't come back to bite him (pun intended).

  6. I sure wouldn't argue with Armani in that mood! But I'm with Linda - I bet there will be more trouble later. The snippet ends on a nice tender note...great!
