Sunday, June 8, 2014

WeWriWa o6.o8.14

Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday! Forgot to post last night, so I was taken off the WeWriWa list, but I'm still gonna post - there's still Snippet Sunday readers to please :)

So, where we left off last week, Karlea challenged Armani to romance her. Will he come through, or is he not capable of something like that?
"Care to dance?" Armani said. Armani smiled and then offered her his hand, Karlea stared at it for a moment, contemplating, then at Armani. 
She carefully slipped her hand into his. Armani smiled and pulled her into him, wrapping his arm around her and resting his hand on the lower part of her back. He watched as Karlea put her other hand gently on his shoulder. He swung her around their makeshift dancefloor, Karlea's feet not exactly keeping up.
"Didn't you ever dance with your father on his feet?" Armani asked.

Is Karlea finally going to warm up to him? Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments.

Want more Armani and Karlea, you can find them on social media at the links below:

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. I love this. She still seems a little tentative/hesitant, but he is so sure of himself. Great contrast between the two of them.

  2. You signed up on time but Don't forget you really have until 9 am on Sunday morning to post for weekend writing warriors, not at midnight Saturday when the sign up list closes. :) Just a tip from one of your moderators.
