Sunday, June 15, 2014

WeWriWa o6.15.14

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

Where we last left off, Karlea challenged Armani to romance her, and Armani obliged by asking her to dance. Karlea not really able to keep up with Armani. Last week, Armani left off with asking Karlea, if she ever danced on her father's feet as a little girl...

"Maybe a few times when I was really young, he died when I was seven."
"I am very sorry. I never knew my real father, I was a bastard child, my mother's husband took me in, but ended up disowning me when I was much older."
Armani lifted Karlea up and placed her feet on top of his.
"And now you're a monster who likes to kidnap women and keep them like a slave against their will." Karlea said before she even knew what she was saying, she wasn't sure how Armani would react.
"Fair enough." Armani smirked, as he danced around with her, "I saved you, if anyone else had gotten to you, that club would still be cleaning up the pieces of your dead body." Unfortunately, I have to end their conversation there. I promise Armani has more to say ;)

Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!
Not sure if I will be posting next Sunday, I will be in Los Angeles Friday and Saturday, and in San Francisco on Sunday, following Centhron's mini U.S. tour with Mordacious opening the L.A. shows, and DJ Unit 77 djing all three shows - he's the one I'm traveling with :) So excited! I'll see if I can get a post written Thursday.

Until then you can follow Karlea and Armani on social media and sign up for the newsletter:

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Interesting disparity in how they perceive their situation -- kidnapper or savior. It's going to be equally interesting to see how it resolves.

    (If this is a duplicate post, I apologize. Blame retrograde Mercury!) (Or my clumsy fingers, whichever you prefer.)

    1. Thanks for reading! And there was only 1 post :)
      Its going to be an interesting question throughout the story, if he really saved her or not.
