Sunday, June 29, 2014

WeWriWa o6.29.14

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

This week's snippet is going to pick up right where it left off two weeks ago. Armani is dancing with Karlea around his penthouse in order to romance her. After Karlea calls him a monster for kidnapping her, Armani asserts that he actually saved her.

Karlea knew he was somewhat right; she was alone in that club, leaving her as fair game to any vampire there; she was lucky they didn't all pounce on her the moment she walked through the door. Armani gave her a chance to live, but that came with a price, the mental and physical tests he had put her through in that dungeon, and draining her to the point of almost death.
"I could have drained you easily and left your body in an alley." Armani continued, "I see something in you. Although, I will admit the temptation to drain you is great. Your taste is addicting."
Armani caressed her back, sending more waves through her.
"I assume that you were disowned long ago." Karlea said, trying to get ahold of herself, and trying to figure out Armani's age.
"Yes. Hundreds of years ago." Armani smiled.

What will happen next between them?
Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!
My mini tour with Centhron, last weekend, was incredible and so much fun! I will have to make a blog post and post pics a bit later. Definitely an experience I won't ever forget!

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Nice snippet, and now I'm curious... How old IS Armani?

    1. You will find out. There will be some flashbacks to his life ;)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hum, she is going to end up liking him.

    1. Thanks for reading! We will maybe find out soon :)
