Sunday, October 27, 2013

WeWriWa 1o.27.13

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday! I am your host, Siren Star ;) 

After Karlea was a smart ass last week, let's see what Armani's response is this week. (Edited to fit)

Karlea knew that she was going to get bitch slapped for that comment, she prepped herself. 
As much as Armani did want to want to slap her around, he was not going to be like that with her, unless they were playing in the bedroom; she was too beautiful and special to receive such treatment and he wanted to be somewhat good to her.
He raised his hand, watching Karlea close her eyes, and then gently caressed her cheek, "You'll get used to it quickly."
He lifted the water bottle to her lips again, but Karlea refused.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, you are really not in the position to put up much of a fight, so why not save yourself the torture? Unless you are truly sadistic and get off on it. Either way, you will be consuming my blood."
Armani took a moment to look at her, he ran his fingers through her hair, holding the back of her head.

I usually insert a comment here, but I have none...the chemistry between them is soooo sexy.

Thanks for reading! Please comment, I love reading comments and seeing what my readers think what will happen next.

Monday I get to see my favorite man, Davey Havok (my Armani), with AFI in concert in Santa Cruz! I am beyond excited!!!!!

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Wow! Armani is in love but Karlea is far from it!

  2. I'm glad he didn't strike her. Atmospheric snippet.

    1. Thanks! That what I was going for :)

    2. When I first saw this seen in my head, I saw him strike her, but then figured that if he really wanted her love, he wouldn't do such a thing, that it would make him more of a monster.

  3. I love his easy matter-of-fact approach to getting her to drink his blood.

    1. She's bound and hanging, she's going to find fighting him off is not so easy :)
