Saturday, September 8, 2018

WeWriWa o9.o9.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! 

Where we last left off, Armani made a point that two feet of bed between them wasn't going to protect her...

She went to respond but stayed silent, the way he had said, 'bend her to his will', made her think dirty thoughts and feel things, her body betraying her. She settled back into the pillows, trying her best to ignore it. When she opened her eyes, Armani had closed the gap between them.
"You know I sensed that, right?" He asked, looking at her.
"Yeah, I know." She replied.
"Get some sleep, you'll need your rest to keep resisting."
Armani kissed her gently on her forehead. Karlea sunk into the comfiness of his memory foam bed and fell fast asleep. 

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Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X


  1. I'm wondering if that sweet little kiss was a big let down for her . . . secretly. But a girl needs her rest.

  2. Serious stuff going on here. I fear for her safety but probably too late.

  3. He's acting kind of sweet. That's nice.

  4. He seems so in control, but he's being pretty nice to her. And the memory foam bed- you can't move once you've relaxed into that!

  5. I wonder what he would do if she quit resisting, if he would lose interest in her.

  6. She should rest. I think he'll be a lot to handle. :)

  7. Does she believe what he's saying? Can she still resist? Does she want to? That's what came to mind as I read your snippet. Good snippet.
