Sunday, September 2, 2018

WeWriWa o9.o2.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! 
Where we last left off, Karlea was edging herself as close to the end of the bed as she could, trying to make everything hard for Armani, no matter how ridiculous it might be. He last line was that she didn't have to sleep on the edge of the bed, Karlea speaks first...

"I know."
"I mean, you shouldn't practically fall off the bed, just because you don't want to be near me, we're adults, I think we can handle it." Armani said, as he typed a text message on his phone. 

"No, I'm human, you're a vampire, I can't trust you." She said. 
Armani looked up from his phone and chuckled. 
"Yes, because two feet of bed is going to protect you when I can be next you faster than you blink and completely bend you to my will...if I chose to.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

I can't believe its September already. I only have a few more days off before I return to work for the school year. With that being said, I will make the rounds as soon as I can, I'm doing a lot with my kiddos this week before they return to school. 

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. She's in big trouble but didn't she give in from the beginning and now it's too late!

  2. That sums it up quite nicely. He's right, if he wanted, she'd be gone, gone, gone.

  3. If two feet isn't enough, she should try three feet and sleep on the floor if necessary. She needs to take this dude's arrogance down a few pegs.
