Sunday, March 4, 2018

WeWriWa o3.o4.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

We continue on where we left off last week...

Karlea threw on what was left of her dress, just to be clothed, plus she was also deathly cold. Her dress was tattered and torn from everything she had endured over the last few days. This being bound and owned part of the vampire world, she was not familiar with. Jake and Vaughn never treated her like this. 
“I need to get away from you! I need Jake, he can tell me what to do.”
“Jake can’t help you. There is nothing he can do. Besides are you sure he still wants you? He did leave you alone in the club.”
(Side note: Blogger formatted this last line weird. Idk why, not fighting with it.)

Thanks for reading! And thank you for all the great comments! i havent been responding to comments, nor making it around to blogs. I'm still sick, on round #2 of antibiotics, so between work and the kids, I'm having a hard time keeping up. This round of antibiotics is stronger, they make me super tired.

You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X


  1. I hope she gives him a lot of trouble later on! ;)

  2. Now I wonder what’s going on with Jake? Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Being sick plus working plus family doesn't leave much time to do anything. Hope you get better soon. Good snippet.

  4. Feel better! I have a feeling things are going to be getting much worse for your heroine, though.

  5. I hope you're feeling better soon. Heck, I hope Karlea feels better soon, as well.
