Sunday, April 5, 2015

WeWriWa o4.o5.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

This week picks up right where we left off last week. If you didn't read it, you can find it here. The following excerpt is soooo edited to fit (hey, I had to get some good stuff in there).
Armani led her back out and to the spiral staircase; they walked up and into Armani’s loft bedroom that overlooked the living room she was just in and had a great view out the window of the living room; the outside wall of the loft also had mostly windows that overlooked the patio and a door that led to a small balcony off the loft.
“My Manhattan and Los Angeles lofts are very similar to this but bigger and nicer,” Armani said as he gracefully removed his boots and socks.
Karlea couldn’t imagine anything nicer than this. Armani led her to the bathroom off of the loft; it was big with a shower and bathtub combination and a jacuzzi.
Armani turned on the shower, making the water cool but not cold; Armani took the stereo remote from his pocket, he pressed a button and Delerium began to play on hidden speakers that Karlea couldn’t see. Armani removed his shirt as he faced her, Karlea finding herself staring at his tattoos - all the same ones in her daydream. The excitement of seeing Armani shirtless, caused a strong wave to hit Karlea; she very slowly removed her bra, letting it fall to the floor; she pulled on her lace panties, letting them fall around her ankles as she slowly stepped out of them. Armani found it hard to control himself; there she was all naked in front of him, but he had to get a hold of himself and remain gentlemanly. There may just be a fire starting... Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!

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Enjoy your week! Its 2015, do something fabulous!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. I don't know about him remaining gentlemanly -- he hasn't been much of one so far! ;)

    1. Hehe, I guarantee it won't last long ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  2. naughty naughty...great snippet.

    1. I think Karlea started it this time. She knew exactly what she was doing. :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Come now- this is no time to be gentlemanly about anything. lol Enjoyed the snippet!

    1. Lol, so you would prefer he not be gentlemanly?! I'm sure that facade will not last long!
      Thanks for reading :)

  4. Gentlemanly??? Armani? Well, I guess he can be LOL. Fun snippet!

  5. A spiral staircase is a wonderful image, isn't it? It conjures up so many things-- elegance, distance, anticipation of what happens when one reaches the top... Great scene!

    1. Thank you so much JT! Everything you mentioned is so Armani & Karlea :)

  6. I always find in funny when Armany played the nice gentleman like guy as is that made up for beating her up earlier or killing the other girl etc... I wonder where his need for contraction is coming from.

  7. Armani can be brutal and then be a gentleman. But in his defense of beating her up, it was all a test to see what her limits are. :)
    Thanks for reading!
