Sunday, December 14, 2014

WeWriWa 12.14.14

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!
Not to freak you out or anything, but let me remind you that there are only 11 days left until that big holiday. Did I stress you out? Sorry, here is some Karlea & Armani to relax you :)

We will continue this week with more of their intimate moment...
(Heat level = explosive) Edited to fit.

Holdng onto Armani tight, KArlea climaxed all around him, she stopped breathing for what seemed longer than what a human should be able to. As her breath returned, she still held Armani tightly, not wanting to let him go. He wasn’t finished with her. Armani picked the rhythm back up and despite Karlea probably being exhausted, she managed to keep up, obviously wanting more.
They both mutually let go of the tight hold they had on each other as Armani sat up slightly. Karlea caressed Armani’s tattooed body. Armani eventually taking one of her hands and pinning it above her head, locking his fingers into hers; He grabbed her other hand and pinned it above her head, he used his index finger to caress the palm of her hand.
“I’m going to try to share something with you,” He said softly, still caressing her palm, “after I bite you, I need you to bite me as hard as you can again.” Oh, what is he going to share? What is he going to do to her?

Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!

I'm not going to get into a long speech about the Berkeley Protests that have been happening right down the street from me. Ones that I have let my voice be heard in. I fully support the peaceful protests and have seen police get out of control when it was not necessary. Tear gassing and beating us when it did not call for those extremes. But yet they had done nothing to arrest those that vandalize and cause destruction. Many, who are college students, are being unlawfully arrested for no good reason, simply because the police are able to kettle protesters, corner them, and mass arrest. Many cases, rights are not even being read. Many cannot afford bail or bond. Please donate if you are able Bay Area Anti- Repression Committee Bail Fund. Thank you :)

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

  2. Loved the snippet! Can't wait to find out what he's going to share.

  3. Great description of the embrace and touching. The last line startled me. Does he really want her to bite him hard? Yikes! Nicely done snippet.

    1. Awww, thank you! Yes, i do believe he does want her to bite him as hard as she can :)

  4. wow hot and steamy and getting rough, too

    1. Hehe yay! More roughness to come later ;)
      And thanks for reading!

  5. I have definite predictions regarding what precisely he intends on "sharing." Could be wrong, but this reads much too much like some of my favorite erotic stories not to go a certain way. Intriguing snippet! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for reading! Please read next week to find out! Curious to what your favorite erotic stories are? Would love to read them. :)
