Sunday, December 7, 2014

WeWriWa 12.07.14

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

I hope you enjoyed last weeks intimate snippet because we continue on this week.

(Heat level = Intense explosive) Edited to fit.
Armani grabbed onto the straps of her dress and bra, and ripped them in two; there she was all naked in front of him. He stared at her pale white body and ran his hands all over her skin, then watched as his manhood went in and out of her.
He grabbed her wrists and held them tightly behind her, while his other hand grabbed onto her hair and yanked back. He slammed his fangs into her throat as she screamed out. He drank as she moaned over and over.
He finally pushed her down on the sofa, releasing her hands and hair, his manhood never once falling out of her. As he was above her, Karlea reached up his black t-shirt and touched his chest with her hands, feeling the strength in his chest. She pulled his shirt up and Armani helped to pull it over his head; Karlea kept running her fingers over his perfectly sculpted torso, admiring his tattoos that she never knew existed.

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,