Sunday, August 3, 2014

WeWriWa o8.o3.14

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

Where we last left off, Armani was swinging Karlea around the room in perfect swing dance fashion. We continue on to after their little dance :)
(Totally edited to fit)

When the song ended, Armani set her down in the black chair, he grabbed the wine glasses and sat on the arm of the chair next to her.
"You're good," She said, sipping the wine.
"Ive had many years to practice," Armani replied.
Karlea sat back in the chair, her body slightly resting on him, her fingers clawed at the arm of the chair as more waves passed through her, until Armani took her hand in his and let her fingers dig into his hand.
"I feel so good," She said.
"Let go then, be crazy and enjoy the high."
Karlea closed her eyes, she lifted herself from the chair, turned around, and knelt on it to face Armani. She quickly placed her hands on his face and planted a kiss on his lips.

I don't really have anything to say after that, other than omg she kissed him ;) Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!

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You can read more great authors here and here Spent last weekend in Los Angeles again. I think every time I go Los Angeles it gets more and more epic. This time it was for a terror ebm band, C-Lekktor, and it was nothing short of amazing. Met the band - made some new friends, built on existing friendships that were formed at the show last month and one with someone I met my very first time to Los Angeles last year, networked, and so many possibilities started for the future. Really need to write blog posts about these shows. On another note, CampNaNoWriMo ended. I didn't come anywhere close to finishing my novel, but it did get me writing more than a paragraph a week and I'm probably going to be writing as much as I have been since CampNanoWriMo started from here on out :) Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Now, that's so sweet. That's totally where I wanted this to go. You have one happy reader here. :D

    1. Yay! :D
      But just wait for it...surprises abound.

      I wanted to ask you, what is your writing schedule like, how do you manage it? Just curious as to how other writers find time to write.

  2. NIce snippet. Nice to see her relaxing a bit.

    I'm not Linda but in answer to the writing schedule question -- it's tough. (My real job sucks the life out of me.) I'm doing the page a day writing challenge on FB (although my goal for August is really to get Sanguine ready to publish) and I also use to at least get *something* written.

    1. Thanks PT! :) And i love the title by the way, Sanguine!

  3. Enjoyed the snippet! And wow--she kissed him! :)

    Writing schedule: That's a tough one. Whenever I can find time. Mondays are a for sure day set aside for writing. It's my day off from the day job. During the rest of the week, I'll arrive early at work and write for an hour before I go into the office then again at lunchtime.

    1. Thanks for reading! yeah, she kissed him, uh-oh. ;)
      And thank you for sharing your schedule. it just seems like everyone else is cranking out books and its taking me forever to write my first. I don't even have grad school in the way anymore, just kids that take all my time.
