Sunday, March 30, 2014

WeWriWa o3.30.14

Welcome to a very late posting of Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday! I was having computer issues, so I tried typing this post on my iPhone, that proved to be very annoying. So here we are, Armani returns to his prisoner, Karlea:

Another intense wave passed and Karlea took it all in.
"You are so high on my blood," Armani smiled from behind her, leaning against the doorway.
"I wish I could enjoy it," Karlea looked up at her hands, "freely."
"I think you can enjoy it from where you are just fine."
The next thing Karlea knew, he was behind her, putting his hands on her hips, another wave passed through her, radiating from where his hands were.
"I have never been so high before, your blood is so..." Karlea trailed off, lost to it.
Armani brought his lips close to her neck, "My blood is so what?" he whispered.
"Strong." She answered, as Armani kissed her neck.

Errr...that was 8 sentences...want to keep going....Karlea is in trouble... :)
Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments :)

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. you want to keep going and we want to keep reading! :D

  2. I like she says his blood is strong. Wonder how he'll take that? Great snippet!

  3. I have a feeling that "strong" only begins to describe the effect his blood is having on her! Sounds like a drug. Great description.

    1. It is very much a drug and her high has only begun :D
      Thanks for reading!
