Sunday, April 6, 2014

WeWriWa o4.o6.14

Happy Sunday! Time for Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

This week, we pick up right where we left off last week, Armani has just returned to his prisoner Karlea, and he just won't stop torturing her. You know how Armani is :)

"Please don't," Karlea said, almost begging.
"Why not?" Armani asked.
"I don't want this with you." Armani kissed her neck again. "You smell like sex and blood," Karlea said angry, trying not to let Armani get to her.
Armani breathed her in, "So do you." Armani moved down to her side, and bit down through her dress; Karlea half screamed and half moaned as she was sent over the edge, her feet becoming weak underneath her.

Heehee, that's 8 for this week. You will just have to wait for more next week. I know, I'm such a tease. Thanks for reading and please comment!

You can read more great authors here and here

Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. you are such a tease, great snippet!

    1. Hehe. I am. And the teasing will get much worse :)
      Thanks for reading!

  2. Sounds like he doesn't much care what she wants... Great snippet!

  3. I like the way you included the sense of smell in this excerpt. That's a powerful sense and sure seems to be affecting them both!

  4. Oh such tense dialogue exchange and I like how she says he smells like blood and sex. The only thing that threw me off was how 'she said angry'. Maybe it could be 'she bellowed, she barked' Another verb that conveys that she's angry. Was just my thought. Good snippet overall.

    1. Thank you for your suggestion and thanks for reading!

  5. This guy really never stop.
