Sunday, March 23, 2014

WeWriWa o3.23.14

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

This week we continue where we left off, so Armani can finish feeding. Edited to fit the 8 sentence rule :)

Armani watched as the one girl gently took the mouth-rape girl into her arms; she tried to be gentle as she kissed the mouth-rape girl, respecting the terror the poor girl's mouth had been through. They made out, and the girl groped mouth-rape girl, pulling away to say that she was going to make her feel better; Armani watched as the girl attempted to fuck mouth-raped girl with her tongue. Her inexperience was showing and Armani was getting bored, this was going to take time he didn't have, wanting to get back to Karlea. 
Armani pushed the girl aside; he finished the job quickly and efficiently with the same thing that mouth-raped girl was probably still recovering from. As she lay post terror and bliss, Armani took the other girl and gave her some pleasure that she had been denied all night. 
Afterward, the girl began to scream when she realized she was laying next to the dead body of her friend, cigarette girl; it caused mouth-rape girl to realize what was happening and she began to scream too. Armani grabbed them both together and silenced their screams forever while fulfilling his need.
They were nowhere near as good as Karlea, but he was hoping now he could play with her without killing her...

Yay, we made it through Armani's tangent of feeding, now he can go back to Karlea. Is anyone as excited as I am? Next week is going to be fun!

Thanks for reading! And please comment, I love reading your comments!

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Oh what a scary situation this girl is in! That Armani sounds like one bad dude. Nice pacing and you've described a lot for 8 sentences.

  2. I can't wait for him to get back to Karlea!

    1. I know, me too! Its gonna be good :)
      Thanks for reading!

  3. At least he went into action. :)
