Sunday, September 29, 2013

WeWriWa o9.29.13

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday! And Happy Autumn, this until the new year, is my favorite time of the year! 

Last week, we left off where Armani was flying Karlea to a new location. Today, we find out where that might be.
Armani sat in a black velvet chair watching as Karlea started to come back to life; he watched as she began to stir, her feet finding the floor and supporting her weight. Weak, she opened her eyes to find her wrists bound in rope above her head as she hung from a hook. She looked around and found herself in a room in a lavish loft apartment; she felt warm and she could feel her heart beating in her chest. She looked at Armani, she really had no idea what he was planning for her. 
"Where am I?" Her voice quiet, weak, and tired.
"My penthouse."
"But where?" 

What does Armani have in store for her now, she's bound and hanging from a hook?! Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Intriguing, but I'm not keen on the POV shifts.

  2. I also can't imagine what he is planning for her.

  3. I'm a little confused trying to visualize how she's tied... I get the hands above her head/hung from a hook thing, but what confused me was her feet finding the floor. Where were they? Wouldn't they have already been on the floor?

    Otherwise, great snippet, and I had no problem with the POV shift... it seemed effortless and seamless to me. (Maybe because I'm really guilty of POV shifts...)

  4. Yeah, I'm' with "PT" on this one. "Hanging" implies suspension. How could her feet be on the floor?

    Also, if she's inside a room, how would she know it's a loft apartment?
