Sunday, September 15, 2013

WeWriWa o9.15.13

I can't believe its the middle of the month already! Next sunday starts my favorite time of the year, all the way through to the new year. 2014 is really only 4 months away??? Where did the last 9 months go, I feel like it was a complete blur.

Last week, we left off where Armani was feeding her more blood than she needed, Karlea not being able to stomach any more. She asked where he was taking her and also realized that his blood was becoming addicting, afraid that their forced intimacy would also become addicting. 

Karlea wanted more of his blood, she loved the power and strength it gave her earlier, when she was fighting Armani, maybe she could still fight him now when he didn't expect it, but her human body wouldn't accept anymore of his blood. A combination of human fatigue, blood loss, and vampire blood withdrawal set in, making her feel horrible. For a moment, her head lying in his lap provided some comfort to the horribleness... until she realized that he was becoming a comfort. This scared her more than anything about their situation, the intimacy of bloodsharing was taking its hold, and she was starting to feel something for Armani. It wouldn't be long before she started having erotic dreams about him from drinking his blood, she was surprised she wasn't already from the amounts she had already drank, having them before about Jake and Vaughn when they each shared their blood with her.
"Away from Manhattan." Armani replied. *
He was taking her away from the city to turn her and train her; Jake often talked about it, how it would happen when he decided to turn her. 

*in last week's snippet, Karlea asked him where he was taking her, this is his answer.

That was a long snippet! Thanks for reading! And please comment, I love reading comments!

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Sounds like she's hooked like a drug addict. And what's in Manhattan I wonder?
    History Sleuth's Writings
    (No snippet for me this week. I got veggies to process.)

    1. Yum, veggies :)
      Jake and Vaughn are in Manhattan, Armani doesn't need any rescue attempts ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  2. Wow...the addiction and intimacy...and he's not her first taste of blood. Wonder what will happen next, and how/if he'll try to turn her. Can't wait to see more.

  3. I'm always so fascinated by this story and by what Armani does and how he does it...another terrific snippet!

  4. Interesting snippet. I'm curious to find out if she continues to fight him or gives in to the "something" she is starting to feel for him.

    1. More to come in the next few weeks! Thanks for reading!

  5. So she's already predisposed to blood addiction. That puts an interesting perspective on these snippets!

    1. Yes, she has drank blood from two other vampires, Jake and Vaughn, but it wasn't as much as Armani has given her.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Addiction to blood and sex makes it dual addiction, which is a nice twist.
    Why Manhattan, I wonder. Like your snippet.

  7. I guess this answer the questions I had last week.
    Are the other vampire come to rescue her or will they let her be Armani's for good?

    1. Armani doesn't need to deal with any rescue attempts yet, so moving her away from Manhattan is best ;)
      Thanks for reading!
