Saturday, October 2, 2021

WeWriWa 1o.o3.21


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

This week, we will continue on from last week with my serial killer WIP in the pov of Dennis. Creative punctuation used to make it fit.

Around fifty more yards, the broken, abandon cars came into view, stretched out into three rows. The rundown warehouse that served as a garage sat behind the cars. The dull blue paint peeling revealing splotches of shit brown underneath. The lot wasn’t much, but we made a decent living from it. And it was ours, we didn’t have to report to work for someone else. Antelope Valley needed one anyways, since the closest was Bakersfield. The locals took what they could get.   I drifted into my usual spot on the side of the building, coming to a halt, just like they do in the movies; I waited for the dust to settle before setting out to open shop. About midday, there was a flood of customers needing spare parts from the yard, that forced me from fixing cars to pointing them in the right direction to find the part they were looking for. As I charged a man that worked for another repair service in town for a windshield, Lancaster PD walked through the door in the form of Deputy Miller.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday! ~Danii X


  1. Uh oh. What does Lancaster PD want? Getting interesting!

    Siren, your link was broken. I just fixed it. Sorry I didn't see it until now.
