Sunday, June 24, 2018

WeWriWa o6.24.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! I have been M.I.A for awhile. School year is over and its summer, I can finally focus on other things.

Where I last left off in this story, Armani was letting Karlea call Jake, but she was having very mixed feelings about calling him. RIght before this snippet below, Karlea was having trouble remembering Jake's phone number, so Armani drank her blood to find out the number for her...
She hit the call button, her feeling getting stronger as the phone rang.
"Karlea?!" Jake answered.
She stayed silent.
"Karlea?!" Jake shouted.
"Jake..." Karlea said quietly.

"Where are you? I can't feel your presence anymore, Vaughn and I have been looking everywhere for you..."

What will Karlea's response be?

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X


  1. Cool idea on drinking the blood to find out the info needed.

  2. I thought that was a neat idea, too! And you left me intrigued as to what she will say... :)

  3. Oh! I guess that’s one way to get a phone number. :-) Now, what will she tell Jack?

  4. I predict that this blood-drinking thingy will never replace an online contacts file.

    1. And an online contacts file will never replace having a paper address book. ayou know, like when you're alone on a trip to Vegas and your iPhone decides to magically erase all your contacts in case something happens and you need to get ahold of someone. True story :-/

  5. Way to leave me hanging as to what happens next. One question about the blood drinking to gather information (not an avid reader of the genre but interested) when they do this do they retain the information for a while (like it becomes part of their memory) or is it temporary for a day or two?

    1. Definitely with Karlea its retained. They have a connected relationship. But with anyone else, if he wanted to retain the information, he could. Its kind of up to him if a kill or a drink from a human is worthy enough of remembering details/information the human holds. So, I guess in general the answer to your question is yes all vampires have the capability of retaining info for a while. I hope that helps.

      Thanks for reading! Do you have a blog? I would love to read yours if you do.

  6. But they haven't been looking in the right places. Like the use of the memory reveal.

    1. She's in Chicago. They are in Manhattan. Pretty good distance, even for vampires. Thanks for reading!

  7. Gah, I want to know what her response is!

  8. This turns the tension up a notch or two!

    Nice detail--Armani finding the number for her. Interesting!

  9. Hum, I wonder why he is letting her call Jake. Another sick game?
