Sunday, January 11, 2015

WeWriWa o1.11.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!

I wish the holidays were still here, but this week it definitely felt like they were over. Two week vacation over and life returns to normal as I try to re-work my normal schedule for the better. The starting point of my goals for 2015, is to get up at 5am every weekday, so I have time to write and work on things before the normal day routine begins. I really need a better schedule in my life. What is your schedule?

Oh and by the way, I wrote a really cute scene between our star-crossed lovers the other day :D Not sharing yet, though.

Where we last left off, Karlea decided to let go and just be with Armani. They were dancing with each other; we are going to jump ahead just a little where they are done dancing around the patio.
They came back together, touching each other, just as it started to downpour, the looming storm was now over them. The fire quickly went out, leaving them in the city lights. They danced around the whole patio together as the song was winding down; as soon as a new song started, Armani scooped Karlea up into his arms, they were both dripping wet, and carried her inside from the cold rain.
Karlea kept dancing to the music as Armani disappeared upstairs to grab a towel. He returned, wrapping the towel around her as she stopped dancing. Armani dried her dripping wet hair, pushing it out of her face when he was done. She smiled at him as he did so. He took the towel and wiped the water that was dripping from her neck and the water dripping down her chest.

Well, now that she has let go, what will happen next?

Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!

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You can read more great authors here and here I need to make a 2015 goals post. A few things I definitely need to do are find more blog hops to participate in, start hosting authors on my blog and do interviews, and be hosted and interviewed on others blogs. If anyone is interested, or has any info on blog hops, being hosted/interviewed on other blogs, please let me know below, I will start keeping lists. Nothing has to be right away, I would rather have things spread out over this year for any of this. Thanks :)

Enjoy your week! Its 2015, do something fabulous!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. I'm not sure she's entirely in the "here and now" -- she still seems to be a bit high or intoxicated from him. Nice snippet.

    1. She is so intoxicated in so many ways ;)
      Thanks for reading.

  2. Oops! I forgot. I don't have a set schedule for writing. I have, however, set myself a challenge of writing 1000 words a day every day this year. I'm currently 2000 words ahead.

    1. Thanks for sharing this. So far my goal is not working out. I'm just so tired all the time.

  3. Reading Armani is always fun & this snippet is no exception. Good stuff.

  4. Lovely scene, enjoyed the idea of them dancing in the rain! Good luck on your resolve to get up early enough to have more time to write before the day's other demands begin!

    1. Thanks for reading! ;) So far getting up earlier is not working. I use to have this awesome early morning schedule, I think I just need to get used to it again.

  5. Always a great snippet, can't wait to read more.

  6. Hmmm... I wonder. Great snippet, always leave me wanting more!

    1. Yayyyyy!!! That makes me so happy! Thanks for reading ;)
