Sunday, November 9, 2014

WeWriWa 11.o9.14

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!
Since I'm writing this so late at night, we'll just hurry up and get through this, I'm sooo tired :(

Where we last left off, Karlea tempted Armani with her blood...
He pulled away and sat up, taking Karlea with him.
“I will not kill you. Then there will be nothing left,” he smiled. 
Luckily for Armani, the wound quickly closed up from all of his blood that was coursing through her. It was extremely difficult to control himself when he saw her blood, especially when she would do something so hot as to breaking a glass and purposely cutting herself with it.
Armani took the glass from her hand and let it fall to the ground with the rest, he handed her his glass of wine and gestured for her to drink. Karlea took the glass and took a long sip. Armani took the moment to take her free hand, placing it palm up, and caressing it with the tips of his fingers, immediately distracting Karlea.

Oh no, what do you think will happen next? ;)

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. This scene was so descriptive, great job i could picture everything.

  2. There was an excerpt posted. All I kept seeing was the red head with tip of her finger in her mouth. HOT! No, really, I did enjoy the post. :)

  3. I sure want to know how this will end between them, never a romance hooked me that much.

  4. I have a strong idea how things will end up next. ;) Good snippet!

  5. I'm not sure what's going to happen next, but whatever it is, I want to read about it.
