Sunday, October 26, 2014

WeWriWa 1o.26.14

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday! I finally made the deadline for WeWriWa! Yay!!! 
I've been so busy, I'm hoping things are beginning to calm down, so I can focus on my writing and projects once again. :)

Where we last left off Karlea was startled out of her daydream by the thunderstorm and Armani offered to control her dreams for her, of which she declined. This week we are gonna skip ahead a bit; Armani has led Karlea over to sit by the firepit, he has brought out their wine, and blasted electronic music outside.
Armani handed her a glass as he sat next to her, she smiled at him and then quickly drank down her wine, unable to handle another daydream about him. Completely sexually frustrated, Karlea wanted to fuck him and then stake the shit out of his heart.
Armani refilled her glass.
“Thank you,” She said, Karlea stared into the warmth of the fire.
Karlea spoke slowly, “Why me? Why did you take me? I have so many issues.”
“You’re confident, brave, strong, and incredibly beautiful, with a willpower I’ve never seen in a human..." Awww...Armani will have to finish his response next week. I can't stop picturing her having sex with Armani and then staking him as soon as its all over.

Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Great snippet. First time reading and can't wait for more.

  2. Loved the snippet! Um... but I don't see her staking him... please tell me she doesn't stake him.

    1. Haha you will just have to read more to find out ;)

  3. Sometimes, I feel bad for Armani, because he seems to be in love with her and she might just use and stake him which he would still deserve.
    I'm really conflicted about this story.

    1. Yay you're supposed to be :)
      On one hand, he is handsome and charming, and just want to fall in love with him but you know he deserves a stake through the heart for kidnapping Karlea.
      Thanks for reading!
