Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Harajuku Kiss by Linda Hamonou

Hi everyone! How is your week going?
I am trying something new this week that I'm hoping to do more often on this blog, and that is hosting other authors with works to promote. So the very first author is someone I know from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa) and Snippet Sunday - please welcome Linda Hamonou with her new book, 
Harajuku Kiss.

About Harajuku Kiss
At times, life can be so depressing. She is walking her usual recovery tour in Harajuku, finishing with a crepe, trying to forget that her boyfriend dumped her once again for the week-end... When the unthinkable happens... A boy stops in front of her in the street and kisses her, in the middle of the street, before running away.
Trying to discover more about him, she is dragged into a dangerous game of mystery. A biologist has been murdered and a deadly virus is on the loose. First suspect: the mysterious Harajuku's stranger. 

Author Bio:

Born in November 1983 in Brittany, France, Linda Hamonou spent a lot of time lost in Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novels. She entered university to study physics and obtained her PhD at Queen's University Belfast in 2009. Her studies allowed her to travel to Europe and America. She then moved to Japan and after three years doing research in Tokyo, she is currently doing a new postdoc in Sendai, Japan.

The first time they had taken him there, he found it comical.
Do you know that there is seven floors up to Heaven and seven floors down to Hell? Going down to the eighth floor, you must be leading me to some different sort of Hell,” he had said.
And he had laughed and they had laughed as well. It seemed like a funny joke to make at the time, something to create a nice atmosphere between him and his employers, but it wasn’t funny anymore.
The elevator stopped on the fifth floor underground for a few seconds. It was always stopping there for no reason. Kaji had never stepped out on that floor or any other floors in the almost full year he had been working for the company, he had just gone down, straight to Hell. The door opened to a dark corridor, the same as his minus the light and with a strong smell of ammonium. He was still happy not to work here, the smell would have given him a headache if he had stayed longer. Once again, nobody appeared and Kaji pressed the button to close the door without bothering to look outside, this gesture had become a habit.
The elevator stopped at destination this time. He remembered the first time he had been here. After the Hell joke, it had seemed more like a paradise. The light was as bright as in the elevator. It was supposed to imitate the sunshine at noon.
"For better mood and performances," his employers had said. 

Harajuku Kiss on Smashwords 
Linda Hamonou's writing corner


  1. Thank you so much for this. :D

    1. You are so welcome! i enjoyed the excerpt :)
      Thank you for being the first featured author.
