Sunday, December 22, 2013

WeWriWa 12.22.13

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday! I want to wish everyone a very Happy Soltice! Nine days until 2014!!!

I took a few weeks off, but I am back this week in time to give you a soltice gift from Karlea and Armani :)
Where we last left off Armani was very weak from sharing his blood with Karlea, and needed to feed. Karlea tried to get him to feed off of her, but his self control was scary.

Outside Armani began his hunt. Weak and starving, it was easy to just grab a human, any human, and just feed. But Armani, with all of his years, knew better, that was how vampires were seen and caught.
Karlea's taste lingered in his mouth. It always had, since his first taste of her. It was very distracting. All he wanted was to taste her, and drink nothing but her blood, however it was in limited supply and he had to be careful. He would have to settle for another human's blood, no matter how less satisfying it would be.

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Ah, a frustrated vampire! I do hope that Karlea is safe while he is away.

    1. Yes, Armani is very frustrated right now. It depends what you mean by Karlea being safe, she does have to contend with euphoria of his blood that might be taking affect ;)

  2. She is so special for him and it seems that he will never have what he really wants, which I'm not sure what it is yet.
