Sunday, November 10, 2013

WeWriWa 11.1o.13

Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday time! I hope everyone had a fabulous week and that those that are doing NaNoWriMo are finding a ton of creativity and inspiration to keep going, you can do it!

This week's snippet we continue on from last week where Armani was about to force feed her his blood.

He held Karlea tightly as he brought his wrist to her mouth, he forced it between her lips. She tried to struggle, but he was right, it was useless, she couldn't move. She instead resisted swallowing the blood, spitting it back out, but the blood flow was so heavy, she started to choke on it. Armani pulled his wrist slightly out of her mouth, not wanting her to choke to death, the blood dripping down her and on the floor. He waited for Karlea to recover and start breathing again, before forcing his wrist back into her mouth, Karlea felt like she was drowning.
Karlea said a quick goodbye to her life as she knew it, in her head. She stopped struggling and accepted her fate, swallowing the blood. As he felt her stop struggling, Armani loosened his grip on her, pleased that she was swallowing the blood on her own accord.

I guess the new chapter of Karlea's life will begin.

Thanks for reading and please comment, I love reading your comments!

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I got my ticket in the mail for Not-So-Silent Night. Squeeeeee! I get to see AFI and Davey Havok again in less than a month! This is sooo fabulous! I cannot wait! I love you DxH, you are the only thing that keeps me going!

I hope everyone has a great week! You can check out more great authors here and here.

Hearts & Stars,


  1. Oh my. Yes, I guess this will be a new start for her. A brand new life. Great snippet.

  2. But will she accept it next time or fight it again?

    1. We'll just have to wait and see ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  3. Not like she really had much choice.
    I'm wondering why it's different this time though because it's not the first time she is drinking his blood.

    1. The more of his blood she consumes, the more dependent she will be on it (and him) for the rest of her (human) life. Armani is hoping to get the strong dependency going with a large ingestion of his blood.
