Sunday, August 18, 2013

WeWriWa o8.18.13

Happy Sunday! 

Last week we left off where Armani was sucking her dry, in order to turn her into a vampire :)
I know you readers were all dying to see what happens next ;)

Armani exited the cell, not bothering to shut the cell door. He wiped the blood from his lips and pulled his phone from his pocket. He quickly dialed.
"Bring the car around, we need to leave now."

Karlea opened her eyes to see trees and lights passing by. She was in a car, it was night; she couldn't make out the parts of the streets or buildings she was seeing, but she could tell she was in a city. She felt cold and weak, the pain in her wrist was worse and radiating through her arm; she could feel the blood, still, on her neck and breast. 

Armani hadn't turned her...yet.

Its only a matter of time...
Thanks for reading! And please comment, I love reading comments!

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Enjoy your week!

Hearts & Stars,


  1. I wonder if he'll actually go through with it? I think he enjoys her defiance.

    1. I think he does too! But that's not to say she won't be defiant as a vamp too ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  2. Exciting snippet, great imagery especially the car journey.

    1. Thank you! I'm a screenwriter/filmmaker, so I see everything cinematically as I write.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. New follower here-
    A lot going on in a short amount of time and boy is she in a predicament it seems.
    Thank you for sharing.
    My Blog

    1. Welcome!
      Please feel free to read the other posted snippets, there is much to this story ;)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I wonder what his plans are for her. He didn't suck her dry, and now it's night, and she's in a car on the way to...? I like it when I'm left wondering. Nice snippet.

  5. And Armani remains the guy I love and hate....another intriguing excerpt, leaving me scratching my head why he hasn't turned her completely yet!

    1. You may just love/hate this guy for a very long time!
      He may have bigger plans for her ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  6. He is playing with her nerves (and mine) I wonder where they are going.

    1. Armani loves to mess with her. i don't think that will stop anytime soon.
      Thanks for reading!

  7. Hmmm... and why is he waiting? Or,rather, what is he waiting for?

    I know I'm waiting to read more!

  8. Love me some vampires! This is a great snippet. What an intense, exciting cliff hanger. Well done!

  9. Hmmm...glad I have tomorrow's snippet to look forward to after this cliff hanger!

  10. You handled the VP char so well! I felt her daze as the car sped on. Great job!

