Sunday, May 26, 2013

WeWriWa o5.26.13

Welcome to another week of Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday! I know you have been waiting all week to read more of Karlea and Armani :)

So last week, Karlea started to kick Armani's ass, high on his blood. This week the battle continues...

Karlea had never experienced a rage so strong, not even when she was high on Jake or Vaughn's blood; she was going to rip Armani apart and get that key, gain her freedom back. Armani laughed as his body smashed into the wall, "Your strength is magnificent and your rage is just...beautiful."
"Shut up!" Karlea screamed, unable to control herself as she smashed him up against the wall again. 
"So meant to be one of us..." Armani grinned. 
Karlea stared at him and then slapped him hard across the face; he just looked at her and laughed before doing the same to her, giving her some resistance to see how she would react.  It hurt, but the rage still burned enough for her to turn back to Armani with an evil smile while looking him in the eye, and say sarcastically, "Ouch," before lifting Armani by the shirt collar and throwing him across the room. 

That boy is in trouble. Karlea may just prove that she is too much to handle.

Thanks for reading and please comment! I love reading comments! 

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Hearts & Stars,

Sunday, May 19, 2013

WeWriWa o5.19.13

Happy Sunday! The semester is officially over for me! Can I just write my book now?

So, we left off last week with Armani's thoughts as Karlea drank from him, and what Karlea was feeling as she pulled away from him.
Karlea never felt so good before, Armani's blood was strong, not even Jake nor Vaughn's made her feel like this. Part of her wanted to just stand there and ride the waves of euphoria as they came and went, not caring what Armani would do to her, but there was a reason she drank from him, a reason she drank so much. Armani touched her upper arm, sending the most pleasurable shiver through her body, making her forget why she drank. She wanted him to touch her again and do whatever he wanted because Karlea knew with the extreme euphoria that came with his blood, whatever it was that he did, would feel amazing. 
"He is never going to want you back."Armani said, smirking.
Instantly, Karlea snapped out of the euphoria, and rage took over. Karlea lunged at him, pushing him into the opposite wall, her strength so great that the sound of his body smashing into the concrete blocks was deafening.

Armani may be in trouble here, or does he have another trick up his sleeve?
Thanks for reading and please comment, I love to read your comments!

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Have a great week!

Hearts & Stars,

Sunday, May 12, 2013

WeWriWa 05.12.13

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! And welcome to another Weekend Writing Warriors. I am so happy to be back participating each week, I was definitely missing this from my life - I need this no matter how busy I get.

I want to quickly thank all my readers from last week for stopping by - I will get to reading yours! I need to create a schedule again, where I sit and read/comment on everyone's.

Okay, so where we last left off in BloodLust: Armani, Karlea was tempted by the offering of his blood, which she took in hopes of becoming stronger so she could kill Armani and escape. In the following snippet, we get insight into Armani's thoughts as she drinks from him. Remember he was getting totally turned on from her drinking from him...

Armani had to have her, he had to make her his for eternity. No one had ever made him feel like this, vampire or otherwise. She would be an excellent lover and he could play with her.He would keep her human for as long as he could, eventually turning her, blood bonding her as a human, and then as a vampire. Her love for Jake and Vaughn made her destin to become a vampire anyway, Armani would simply make her love him. 
Karlea pulled away from his arm, fast, as the wound began to heal, she was at her limit of blood intake. One hand held onto Armani's arm, her nails digging into his skin as the first euphoria of how much she drank passed through her, making her completely high like a drug and lost to the world. Armani knew exactly what she was feeling and that, along with her nails digging into his vampiric flesh, turned him on even more.

That was a long snippet. And so intense, I can't even make a comment about it or even give you a hint of where it might go!

Thank you for reading and please comment, I love to read and respond to comments, it lets me know if I should keep writing this or not. 

If you love the story between Karlea and Armani, you can always find them on social media and sign up for the newsletter:

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Have a great week!

Hearts & Stars

Sunday, May 5, 2013

WeWriWa 05.05.13

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Writing Warriors. 

This week is another 8 from my WIP novel, BloodLust: Armani. In this scene, Armani has fed her some of his blood and is trying to get her to fight him for her freedom. Last week's snippet left Armani offering more of his blood to her. Will she take it?

Armani held it out to Karlea, "Here." She looked at it and looked away as though the temptation was too much.
"You want it." Armani said, "You know how it will make you feel, and the power it will give..."
"Just think, you could get out of here and find your way back to Jake."
Karlea took his wrist, her warm touch radiating through him as she held onto it and brought it to her mouth. He felt her warm lips wrap around the wound and gently suck, he couldn't believe how euphoric it felt to have her touch him and suck on him. Armani watched as she drank and drank, completely turned on by it and by how much she was ingesting, usually humans couldn't tolerate so much. 

I guess the thought of killing Armani and finding Jake was too tempting for her not to drink. What is Armani thinking?

Thanks for reading and please comment, I love to read comments and respond. The comments really hep me to improve my writing and see where the story should go.

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As always, if you love the story between Armani and Karlea, you can follow them on social media and sign up for the newsletter.

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Have a great week!

Hearts & Stars