Sunday, April 1, 2018

WeWriWa o4.o1.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! And Happy Spring! I am so excited it is April and winter is (hopefully) behind us.

Where we last left off, Armani brought Karlea a cell phone and was going to let her call Jake...
Karlea picked up the phone and looked at it...this could be her freedom. She went to dial...212...her head was such a mess that she couldn't remember Jake's number. She knew it, she memorized as soon as she put the number in her phone...but now she couldn't.
"Is there a problem?"Armani asked.
"I-I can't remember his phone number. I know it, I always have, but my head is such a mess."

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Oh no! A touch of amnesia? great snippet

  2. Oh, why do I feel like he knew this was going to happen?

  3. Whatever he's done to her is rippling through her mind like a destructive tsunami.

  4. Forgetting a phone number is such a classic symptom of stress - aggravated I'm sure by someone looking on. Well done.

  5. It's like she isn't even herself anymore. :'(
