Sunday, August 16, 2015

WeWriWa o8.16.15

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors/Snippet Sunday!
Just a quick little intense snippet to follow up Armani's question of "Again?" from last week...

"Yes." Karlea replied quietly between breaths, almost unable to do so.
She leaned down and kissed Armani as she moved, allowing her tongue to lick each of his fangs. Armani, completely turned on, bit down on her tongue, sending her over the edge. He felt her tense up and let go all around him, which in turn caused him to let go and lose contact with his surroundings. 

Minutes later after they recovered, Armani sat up with Karlea still wrapped around him.
"That was incredible," Armani said. 

Karlea smiled, "It was."
Karlea kissed his lips and then moved to his neck.
"How hard can you bite me with my blood in you?" Armani questioned, playfully.

That is a good question, I wonder if she can break skin?

Thanks for reading!

You can read more great authors at WeWriWa and Snippet Sunday

And you can read more of Armani's p.o.v here :)

Have a great week!

Hearts & Stars,
~Siren X


  1. Tantalising snippet, well crafted.

  2. Armani is always SO intense and pushing new boundaries! Enjoyed the snippet...Armani never disappoints. Putting on my Moderator hat, didn't see the active link back to the WeWriWa page?

    1. Oh crap, I was so tired last night, I forgot to put it in!!! Thanks!!!!!

  3. She can bite just hard enough to get them going again, I would imagine. ;) Great snippet.

  4. Oh now that's just a tease to rile them up again. Nice snippet.
