Sunday, April 15, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday o4.15.12

The moment you have all been waiting for...

The bartender rushed over, “Hey guys, sorry about the wait. What can I get you?”  

Your blood in a chalice, Vaughn said in his thoughts, Jake able to hear him. Jake slightly elbowed Vaughn as he smiled at her, “Hi.”

“Hi...” She trailed off, losing herself in Jake and almost forgetting what she was doing; why she was there, why she was even talking to him; the purpose of their encounter.

I know you are craving for more, but it will have to wait until next week! 

Thanks for reading! Please comment! 
Check out other great authors at Six Sentence Sunday.
You can also read a summary of my story here.

Have a great week!


  1. I want to learn more on why she got lost in Jake. Who is Jake?! Don't hold out. This is intriguing.

    1. Hmm... Haven't written my post yet for SSS. Was thinking of skipping ahead, but maybe I will post more of this section just for you :)
