Sunday, July 8, 2018

WeWriWa o7.o8.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

We continue on where we left off last week. Last week, Karlea hung up on Jake and didn't tell him where she was.

"You didn't tell him where you were, you hung up instead. I'm impressed." Armani commented.
Karlea fought back her tears and boldly said, "It didn't feel right. Your blood and my stupid innate loyalty to it, pulled me away."
She thought about Jake, anger taking over. "You're right, though, he left me. He walked away. All because in the end, deep down he didn't want to turn me, after everything we had been through together. He didn't want to spend eternity with me."

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,

~Siren X


  1. Poor Karlea. Sounds as if she has a big problem where Jake is concerned.

    1. Yes, there are some problems there. Thanks for reading!

  2. I'm sure he had his reasons, but she can't see it at this point.

    1. He did, but i guess she just doesn't understand it from a vampire's point of view.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. It's heartbreaking, hope things get better for her.

  4. It sounds like she’s at least getting pretty clear on what she wants. I hope Armani can give it to her!

    1. Lol, I don't think she is going to give Armani a choice. ;)

      Thanks for reading!

    2. Her hurt and sadness really come through in this snippet!

    3. For some reason, my reply to hasn't been working. Blogger is being weird.
      Anyways, thanks so much for reading!

  5. And eternity is a looooong time! I hope she made the right choice.

  6. Come on, girl! You don't need no man! Anything they can do, you can do better! All that said, I do hope she finds someone to love her. Jake and Armani might not be my first choices, but I don't know your writers mind! You know what's best for your unlucky heroine!

    1. Thanks for reading! lol, that's how I personally live my life. Single and more than happy about that! I like the way you think! However, different when it comes to a world of vampires.

  7. That was so sad. Good job on letting her pain come through. Tweeted.

  8. Interesting twist. I think I've of Jake before, though it's been awhile. Romantic triangles work well in novels.

    1. Yes, you have and it was a long time ago, since i was on a hiatus from everything while the school year was chugging along. Ughh, so thankful for summer break. Thank you for always reading! I will get to yours soon, it takes me a few days to make all the rounds.

  9. Very sad scene. The last words bringing it home.

  10. So sad. You made me feel her heartache. Good job on a tough scene.

  11. Wonderful, conflicted emotions.

    She wouldn't be angry if there weren't still feelings there. :-)

    Great snippet!

  12. Vampires are a different breed,never dying, never living a decent life. Best to you in your writing endeavor.

  13. I wonder what Jake will think of her now if/when they meet up again.
