Sunday, July 22, 2018

WeWriWa o7.22.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

We continue on where we left off last week, where Karlea told Armani that she wasn't going to make anything easy for him...

"Besides, "Armani added, raising an eyebrow, "I never said I didn't have ways of handling you when you don't make things easy."
Karlea narrowed her eyes at him as Armani raised his wrist to his mouth, biting it. He walked over to Karlea, wrapping his bleeding wrist around the front of her as he stood behind her. 
"You best drink." He commanded. "The withdrawal symptoms you're feeling are only going to get worse and more intense. 
She wanted to resist but she needed it, she placed her lips on his wound and let the blood run down her throat, a moan escaping Armani. 
He pushed her hair to the side and whispered in her ear, "So our journey begins."
He planted a few soft kisses on her neck before sucking on her skin, his fangs entering her as he did. 

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Replies
    1. Because he wouldn't feed her. He wanted her to have the experience of withdrawal. Although, he didn't let it get as bad as he could have, just wanted to give her a slight taste of it, in case she had any ideas about refusing him.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Intense, indeed. And dark and erotic.

    1. Awwww, thanks :) Exactly what i was hoping for!!

  3. Blood everywhere. That's guaranteed to make a snippet intense.

  4. Great snippet, it's never good when you need to depend on someone you don't want to. He's going to have to do something else to win her over though I think. I'm interested to see where this relationship goes.

  5. Wow, things are getting serious here! But they still have a lot to work out.

    1. They do, but i have a feeling everything will be Armani's way lol. Thanks for reading!

  6. Very intense scene. I hope they find more than need to bind them.

  7. She's trapped for sure unless she finds a way to escape. YIKES!

  8. Gah! I can visualize this and he has her caught in a web for sure!

  9. Great writing, I could feel the tension in the air! (I forgot to register for this round of snippets but my post is up at )

  10. She really needs to find a way to ditch these controlling men she finds...
