Sunday, July 1, 2018

WeWriWa o7.o1.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

We continue on with Karlea's response to Jake...

"Jake, you don't need to worry about me anymore. I'm not yours."
She hung up as Jake yelled her name. 

She wasn’t his anymore and wouldn’t be ever again.

She belonged to Armani. Her blood was his and his blood burned deep inside of her. It was pulling her back to him, the strong, unbreakable bond between them. It didn’t feel right going back Jake, what felt right was staying with Armani.

Armani entered back into the room, taking the phone from her shaking hand. She watched as he went out on the patio and threw the phone as far as he could, returning to the bedroom.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,

~Siren X


  1. I have a feeling Jake won't give up so easily.

  2. I mean, go with your gut, girl, but I hope Armani starts treating you like the goddess you are! :) Also my blog link isn't working, so here's my post!

    1. Already got you, Amy, when I was visiting others' blogs :) Great snippet this week!

      And thanks for reading!

  3. Whoa, she didn’t even hesitate. I wonder how Jake is going to take this?

  4. Hmm. I hope it doesn't offend, but this guy Armani is what is sometimes referred to as an "alphahole."

    1. No offense taken, although Armani might. But yes it is true. Thanks, Ed!

  5. Oh my, I hope Jake stays away. He doesn't seem to be any match for Armani!

    1. It would be a suicide mission, if he tried. He can't save her without killing her. Only he doesn't know any of this yet.

      Thanks for reading.

  6. Maybe she should try belonging to herself, not Jake, not Armani, not anyone else.

    1. No worries, she'll find her strength and independence. And she won't make it easy for anyone.

      Thanks for reading!

  7. It'll be interesting to find out which man wins. Great snippet.

  8. omg no, no!!! Her free will is all gone! Jake! Come back!! Go rescue her!! What the hell!
