Sunday, April 30, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o4.3o.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday! April flew by, I can't believe its May already!

Where we last left off with Armani & Karlea, she was getting pretty snarky with him. Her last line was, "I wasn't being demanding." Armani has the first line...

"Yes, you most certainly were. And for future reference, I don't respond well to demanding." 
"Oh, but you're good at being demanding." Karlea replied, "I seem to remember you saying, take your clothes off and clothes off, last night"
"That's different." Armani said, serious, walking towards her, "Sorry I'm not all sweet and romantic like your ex-lover. I'm a little more rough around the edges, but that excites you and you love it."
He looked at her and bit his lower lip, Karlea noticing the lust in his eyes.
"Breakfast in bed?" He asked, holding out his hand.

Oh, yum :)

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In other news, I am trying to get caught up and blog post comments and reading everyone's snippets from the last few weeks. Easter Sunday first threw me off and then having the kids home for Spring Break. Plus writing for Camp NaNo, which ends today - I failed my goal of 20k, only made it slightly past 10k, but the important thing is I got my new story started that was in my head and driving me crazy. Then this week, it was my kindergartener home from school all week with an ear infection. It hit at night and I had to rush him to a pediatric ER, just so he could be seen by a doctor right away. Ear is better, but his cold/cough isn't, so now I may just take him back to the same doctor in the ER. Uggg.

But I will get caught up. I caught up my blog yesterday at WP and need to catch up my posts on social media. I can handle the blog hops and reading/commenting on other's snippets, but the managing social media thing...I really can't keep up. So, how do you all manage your social media for your blogs?

I have a feeling that a lot of you might be full time writers and put in 8 hours a day. I only have a few hours a day, if even that, when the kiddos are in school, by the time I clean up after the whirlwind of 5 kids getting ready for school and all the other everyday life things I have to do. I would love nothing more to be a full time writer and artist.

Thank you everyone for reading and commenting, and simply supporting me!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Finally, they agree on something! ;-)

  2. Breakfast in bed it is? I feel your pain over the balance. I started writing with two little guys under foot and graduated to a full time job out of the home. Finding those precious hours is indeed a challenge. The path of least resistance is what gets me up at 4:30. I don't have to worry about interruptions then!

  3. She might as well not argue with him; I get the feeling it's impossible to move him even on millimeter.

  4. The morning after with these two is fun!

  5. Never say no to breakfast in bed. :D

  6. Yes please. Breakfast in bed sounds amazing. :) :) :)

  7. Thank you all for your comments! I have been super behind since the Easter weekend. Trying to catch up today!
